Rethinking Hiring Processes for Efficiency & Equity

The typical amount of time it takes to fill a position is notoriously long in higher education. Especially in the current hiring environment, slow-moving departments are losing potential candidates mid-process to other institutions or to private industry. As a result, many institutions are now rethinking their hiring processes in an attempt to streamline and minimize […]

Inclusive Job Descriptions: Why do They Matter, and How do you Write One?

For too long, job descriptions have included the obligatory 2-3 sentences that state the institution’s commitment to diversity and an equitable working environment as a demonstration of commitment to DEI. However, today’s job seekers are looking for more than just a few sentences: they are looking for a demonstration of behaviors. Job seekers need to […]

The 3 Critical Elements to Include in Department Chair Training

Chairs occupy an essential position on our campuses, sitting at the intersection point that connects our faculty to institutional strategy, context, and culture. They also make some of the most impactful decisions that shape the university, overseeing decisions related to hiring, promotion, and curriculum. Yet for most institutions, the support and training available to chairs […]

Actualize Your Purpose, Part 2: Everyday Strategies for Staying Connected to Your Well-Being

Working in higher education now requires navigating remote, hybrid environments and supporting overextended students and colleagues while navigating institutional complexity and resource precarity. To show up for this kind of work, you must intentionally center your well-being to thrive in this ever-changing environment.  In Part 1 of this workshop series, you assessed your well-being, identified […]

Accelerating Education: Unveiling the Impact of 3-Year Degrees in Higher Learning

Given the changing needs of both students and employers, there is growing institutional interest in three-year degree programs across higher education. Join us for a free webinar to explore the benefits, challenges, and implications of offering a three-year degree program, which allows students to complete in a condensed time frame. Through facilitated discussion with our […]

Developing a Foundation for Sustained Philanthropic Support: A Certificate Program for Deans and Academic Leaders

Alumni participation has steadily declined across institutions of higher education in the United States for several decades. And increasingly, donors are taking their philanthropic inclinations to organizations where they can give to specific purposes with targeted outcomes. The most successful deans and academic leaders are attuned to this reality and work in concert with their […]

The College of The Future: Academic Program Innovation for Tomorrow’s Student

With the rapid pace of changing student demand, shifting institutional priorities, and ballooning costs today, it’s more challenging than ever to compete for enrollment. In this webinar, we’ll share a rubric for evaluating new program opportunities and discuss how to use a portfolio management approach to innovate your academic offerings while lowering departmental costs. We’ll […]

Taking a Formative Assessment Approach to Annual Faculty Evaluations

Whether your faculty are standout rock stars, or they are struggling to perform as expected, the annual evaluation is a valuable opportunity to foster engagement with them. It’s a chance to reflect on how the year has gone, express gratitude for their contributions to the campus community, and provide specific and actionable feedback to help […]

Actualize Your Purpose, Part 1: Connecting Your Well-Being to Your Work

During this 3-hour workshop, you will assess your well-being through the research-based Resilience @ Work framework. Then, you will explore how you can redefine success in ways that support your values and the impact you want to have in the world. You will conclude the workshop by drafting an initial plan for how you can […]

Would You Benefit from an Executive Coach?

In this free webinar we will demystify what coaches do, how coaching sessions work, and who would benefit most from consulting with an executive coach. Further, we will address a number of common myths surrounding coaching. With the help of Steve Titus, you will have the opportunity to reflect on how a coach could plug […]

The Future of Higher Education

Today higher education faces four unforgiving paradoxes: These paradoxes don’t have easy answers, but they must be addressed. Join us in July for a deep discussion of findings from our recent paper The Future of Higher Education. You will hear perspectives contributed by university presidents and board chairs on the four paradoxes we all face–and […]

Rethinking Search and Hiring Practices

Pre-COVID, most colleges and universities had clear processes and long-standing practices in place for employee search and hiring. But the course of the pandemic and the hybrid workforce in which we are now operating is causing higher ed talent management leaders across North America to rethink these processes in big and small ways. Join us […]

Defining the Flexible Work Environment

Most institutions have already communicated with faculty and staff about their expectations for returning to campus. Certain employees must return to the physical campus for some–if not all–days of the week, but other employees can still carry out their jobs with more flexible work schedules. In fact, this flexibility is essential if institutions want to […]

Overcoming Microaggressions as a Faculty Member

As faculty in higher education, you have likely received some campus training on microaggressions. However, the way these incidents show up between and among faculty, administrators, and students is often very different from how they display in other areas of campus. If you are a woman or underrepresented faculty, have you reflected on how microaggressions […]

New Strategies for Managing Your Academic Program Economics

In today’s competitive and resource-constrained environment, it is critical for higher ed leaders to understand the impact of their offerings—at both the program and the course levels—from an economic standpoint. In the absence of regular data collection and analysis on revenue, costs, and margins, leaders cannot manage their academic program mix effectively and make strategic […]

Navigating the Graduate Enrollment Landscape Mid-Pandemic

Graduate education leaders are managing a difficult balancing act in light of current circumstances. On one hand, there’s a real need to be proactive with yield strategy and communication with admitted students, both domestic and international. On the other, there is still a lot of uncertainty related to the trajectory of the pandemic and institutional […]