Creating Agile Courses for an Uncertain Year

To plan for shifts in an uncertain year, many institutions are planning courses that are adaptable to online, hybrid, and face-to-face learning environments. Dr. Elizabeth Barrie from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, has led an effort to pivot existing courses using Kaufman’s notion of agile learning. The agile model enables faculty to proactively design […]

Three Essential Behaviors of a Servant Leader

As a result of COVID-19 and the racial injustices that have permeated 2020, it’s more important than ever to lead with humanity and create a work environment where people feel recognized and heard. Current challenges require leaders to be visionary, but they must also be humble and know how to bring out the best in […]

Officials with Authority and Responsible Employees: Helping Mandatory Reporters Comply with New Title IX Regulations

This training is based on 2020 Title IX regulations and has been retired. Please visit our Title IX Trainings Page to view all current Title IX trainings. Whether you have the designation of “Official with Authority” (OWA), “Responsible Employee,” or “Mandatory Reporter Employee” under your institution’s Title IX policies and procedures, you have a responsibility […]

Advancement Events Strategy

Advancement Events Strategy November 9 – 10, 2020 Strategically increase engagement and giving with your advancement events. Welcome to your course page for your virtual conference! We’ll be adding links to meeting rooms, schedules, social media, and course materials as they become available. Make sure to check back as it gets closer to your conference! […]

Developing a Comprehensive System of Support for First-Generation Students

Developing a Comprehensive System of Support for First-Generation Students November 18 – 20, 2020 Learn tried and true strategies, as well as hear about new work being done during the pandemic to support first-generation student success. Welcome to your course page for your virtual conference! We’ll be adding links to meeting rooms, schedules, social media, […]

Creating an Engagement Strategy for Corporate Partners

Creating an Engagement Strategy for Corporate Partners November 30 – December 1, 2020 Engage with corporate partners in a way that serves both your priorities and theirs. Welcome to your course page for your virtual conference! We’ll be adding links to meeting rooms, schedules, social media, and course materials as they become available. Make sure […]

Advocating for Yourself in Personal and Professional Relationships

Time and again we have heard the message that the impacts of working from home, homeschooling, childcare, and managing your new normal have created new areas of stress for women. Whether trying to juggle a full-time job with being a teacher to their children or finding that publishing and other career-advancement endeavors have fallen in […]

Deans Summit: Maintaining Strategic Focus Through Financial Challenges

While higher ed is facing waning enrollments and funding paired with increasing expenses and demands, deans must lead the charge in making their colleges, schools, or units more financially viable while remaining relevant in a rapidly evolving landscape. Deans who are best prepared to meet these demands are creating a culture of creative problem-solving, efficiency, […]

Creating an Inner Coach Stronger than Your Inner Critic

Creating an Inner Coach Stronger than Your Inner Critic Have you ever felt like you don’t deserve your success? Login On: January 13, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern EVENT LINK Zoom Login Instructions JOIN ZOOM MEETING Meeting ID: 871 1844 9316 Passcode: 608301 If you wish to join a test meeting in Zoom, go […]

Supporting Frontline Fundraisers Amidst Uncertainty: Rethinking Activities and Goals

Amidst uncertainty, donor giving is likely to decrease. To keep your fundraisers motivated and ensure the long-term sustainability of your shop, you may need to shift the focus to identifying new prospects and keeping in touch with donors so that relationships are strong when the time is once again right for giving. Join us for […]

Developing Effective Caller-Donor Relationships in Your Phonathon Operation

With the recent increase in contact rates—due to people being at home more than ever—coupled with modern technology that increases the ability to engage donors, phonathons are poised to see an unexpected resurgence this year as an effective communication and solicitation channel. As a result, now is the appropriate time to revisit how you can […]

An Intersectional Approach to Addressing Food Insecurity

We know that students with marginalized identities are more likely to experience food insecurity. Now data shows the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on the health and financial wellbeing of People of Color, including those from Black and Indigenous communities. These disparities, in conjunction with recent incidents of racial injustice, prompted the University of Oregon to […]

An Intersectional Approach to Supporting Neurodiverse Learners Online

Neurodiverse students are often disadvantaged in the classroom by deficit thinking, a learned mindset that defines learners by their perceived problems and can limit the success of disabled students. For learners who have other marginalized aspects of their identities, disadvantages in the classroom are compounded, and the implicit biases we hold can unintentionally disempower them […]

Growing Your Graduate Footprint: A Conversation for Small College Leaders

As demographics shift and higher education faces declining undergraduate enrollments, many schools who have traditionally focused on undergraduate enrollment are pivoting their focus towards strengthening and growing their graduate programs. This shift can be especially challenging for smaller schools who often have fewer resources and less name recognition than their larger counterparts. During this collaborative […]

Hiring, Developing, and Promoting Women Leaders in Higher Education

When looking at potential candidates for hiring, too often we revert to “comfortable cloning,” or looking for those applicants who followed similar (and often more traditional) paths in their education and careers. We sometimes place too much emphasis on past job titles, leaving women – who are not promoted as often as men – stuck […]

Digital Alumni Engagement: A Targeted Approach

Digital Alumni Engagement: A Focused Approach October 27 – 28, 2020 Identify the missing piece to your current digital engagement strategy and develop a plan to address it. Welcome to your course page for your virtual conference! We’ll be adding links to meeting rooms, schedules, social media, and course materials as they become available. Make […]

Building Skills to Successfully Mediate Title IX Sexual Harassment Cases

Building Skills to Successfully Mediate Title IX Sexual Harassment Cases November 18 – 19, 2020 Gain confidence in your ability to serve as a mediator in your Title IX informal resolution process.  Welcome to your course page for your virtual conference! We’ll be adding links to meeting rooms, schedules, social media, and course materials as […]

5 Steps to Facilitate Your Title IX Hearing Deliberation Meetings

After the live Title IX hearing, as a hearing panelist, you have the responsibility of determining the outcome of the case. You must analyze the facts, assess the credibility of witness testimony, and maintain razor-sharp focus on your sexual harassment policy definitions—all of which require technical skills and knowledge. However, there’s also an art to […]

Design Faculty of Color Affinity Spaces to Improve Retention

Building affinity spaces for your faculty of color is one way you can improve retention efforts. These spaces not only connect underrepresented faculty to each other, they increase faculty productivity and institutional loyalty. However, it’s not enough to simply offer these affinity spaces – you must also organize them with clear structure and intention, so […]