Provost Roundtable: A Cohort-Based Series for Academic Leaders May 21 – August 27, 2021 Welcome to the course page for your provost roundtable. More information will be added to this page as we get closer to the start of the event. JOIN ZOOM MEETING Full Event Information VIEW EVENT PAGE Including: Agenda Overview Speaker Bios […]
Foundations of Title IX Investigations: Training & Certification June 11 & 14, 2021 Approach your sexual harassment investigations with greater confidence. Welcome to your course page for your virtual conference! We’ll be adding links to meeting rooms, schedules, social media, and course materials as they become available. Make sure to check back as it gets […]
We know that when learners feel psychologically safe—when they feel they won’t be judged, punished, or humiliated if they make a mistake or say something wrong in class—they are more likely to take academic risks, experiment, trust, openly share ideas, and engage in collaboration. Join Amber Dailey-Hebert in this video course to learn strategies to […]
Title IX Investigators play a critical role in gathering as many relevant facts as they can through witness testimony and evidence. However, this process can be hindered when investigators neglect to understand that a knowledge and understanding of their institution’s sexual harassment policy should always drive the investigation and their line of questioning. Further, many […]
Overview Many formal mentors and leaders in academic medical settings are asked to take on significant mentoring responsibilities in addition to their clinical work, teaching, research, and scholarship. To be a successful mentor requires you to create an empowering dynamic with your mentees and focus them on developing their careers and solving challenges. But those […]
Institute for Experienced Chiefs of Staff: Improving Your Processes, Communications, and Relationships August 5 – 6, 2021 Improve your processes and relationships to ensure continued success in a chief of staff role. EVENT INFORMATION ENSURE YOUR TECHNOLOGY IS READY This workshop is intentionally designed to allow for maximum learning, connections, and engagement. We advise the […]
Fundamentals for Chiefs of Staff: Understanding Your Role and Ensuring Success from the Start July 29-30, 2021 Join us for a one-of-a-kind chiefs of staff program solely for those working in higher education. EVENT INFORMATION ENSURE YOUR TECHNOLOGY IS READY This workshop is intentionally designed to allow for maximum learning, connections, and engagement. We advise […]
We all have biases that show up in our interactions and perceptions of others. But these biases can be problematic when they are used unconsciously or consciously to judge, misinterpret, or limit our interactions with others. How often do you pause and reflect on your social interactions and ask yourself “What did I assume about this person that was not accurate”? By reflecting and holding ourselves accountable to how biases show up […]
Writing Workshop for Advancement THIS EVENT HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED TO: May 5-6, 2021 Strengthen the voice and consistency of your communications to donors and alumni. EVENT INFORMATION Check back soon for links! ENSURE YOUR TECHNOLOGY IS READY This workshop is intentionally designed to allow for maximum learning, connections, and engagement. We advise the following in order […]
Impactful Online Donor Events March 30, 2021 Leave a lasting impression on donors by hosting online events that resonate with their needs and preferences. Welcome to your course page for your virtual conference! We’ll be adding links to meeting rooms, schedules, social media, and course materials as they become available. Make sure to check back […]
As part of larger diversity and inclusion efforts, many institutions have inclusive pedagogy initiatives underway. But the way they are approaching them when it comes to scope, level of resourcing, and degree of partnership and involvement across academic units varies widely. It can be difficult for those charged with leading inclusive pedagogy initiatives to know how and where to […]
Especially in the early stages of your career, you need to grow your identity as an independent scholar. But you might receive feedback from a mentor or a reviewer that they “don’t hear your voice” in your writing. Or more commonly, you might sense that the articles you want to write aren’t even getting written. […]
Instructor Mario PerazaExecutive Director, Alumni RelationsUniversity of California San Francisco Course Highlights 51 mins of video instruction Downloadable resources Course Details Released 3/29/2021 Graduate and professional alumni typically aren’t as engaged with their alma mater as their undergraduate counterparts. But graduate alumni are often highly career-focused with strong connections to classmates, faculty, and mentors. How […]
Feelings of defensiveness and discomfort are common when engaging in conversations around race and bias. Even those who have done extensive reading on these emotionally-charged topics can find themselves fumbling if they haven’t yet reflected on how their own identities and biases impact the way they show up in the world—and in these difficult conversations. […]
Leading and Influencing as a Department Chair May 19 – June 9, 2021 Important Links Welcome! This is your “one-stop shop” for all course materials and instructions you will need to guide you through the bootcamp. A couple important notes to get you started: All course materials can be found in the “Access Course […]
Your team is growing more diverse every day; this includes across different generations from across generations. Each generation has its own preferences and values that motivate them, and it’s important to understand those differences in order to build a cohesive and resilient workplace culture that maximizes individual and team performance and minimizes conflict. With almost a quarter of the labor force set to […]
Leaders have a powerful role to play in setting the tone for the organizational culture. They must therefore be very conscious of how they communicate: leadership comes with visibility, so a failure to communicate in ways that make others feel safe and understood will be noticed by their teams and peers alike, and will negatively impact the group’s […]
Increase Giving through Inspiring Annual Giving Communications March 30 – March 31, 2021 Learn how to integrate your institutional story to engage and inspire your alumni and donors. EVENT INFORMATION ENSURE YOUR TECHNOLOGY IS READY This workshop is intentionally designed to allow for maximum learning, connections, and engagement. We advise the following in order to participate […]
Title of Online Bootcamp Starting Date – Ending Date Important Links Welcome! The standard Lorem Ipsum passage, used since the 1500s “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea […]
Anti-Racism in Higher Education: Ensuring It’s a Movement, Not Just a Moment March 17 – 18, 2021 Develop a sustainable strategy to facilitate your anti-racist initiatives for your campus. Welcome to your course page for your virtual conference! We’ll be adding links to meeting rooms, schedules, social media, and course materials as they become available. […]