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Improving Your Gift-In-Kind Evaluation Process

Last updated October 28, 2022

Course Length

1h 13m

Last Updated

October 28, 2022

Improving Your Gift-In-Kind Evaluation Process

Last updated October 28, 2022

Assess gifts-in-kind to determine their viability and benefit to your institution.


Gifts-in-kind, or non-cash gifts, are unique. Most are appreciated assets that offer donors the ability to give an asset, receive a tax deduction for the value, and, depending on the donor, avoid capital gains tax. Yet, there are many gifts-in-kind that aren’t so easy to accept. This may be due to unverifiable value, such as with art collections, gifts of used equipment that may prove to be hard to place or to find a means to value, illiquid privately-held securities, or non-fungible tokens that pose issues in determining both ownership and value, as examples. Donors need to be responsible for providing bona fide appraisals and bearing those costs; but the institution also needs to be able to validate the value as well as many other aspects of a non-cash gift prior to acceptance. Whatever the non-cash gift, the viability of the value and its benefit to the institution must be analyzed before accepting.

To better answer the question of whether a gift-in-kind has the value the donor claims, you must have a thorough review process in place and access to the right experts who can verify both the value and its benefit. Either way, gifts-in-kind must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis on whether they will be worth the institutional time and effort it will take to accept and manage them.

Who should attend?

This training is for advancement services professionals who want to improve their gifts-in-kind value evaluation process


December 14, 2022

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. ET


Defining the Pros and Cons of the Variety of Gifts-In-Kind

There are many reasons behind why a donor may give a gift-in-kind as opposed to cash. Whether it’s for tax reasons, goodwill, or, most often, a combination of both, each type of unique gift carries pros and cons for the institution. Learn the types of gifts-in-kind that institutions are seeing today and the benefits or potential detriments that may come with each.



Analyzing the Value of a Gift-In-Kind

Depending on the type of gift-in-kind, a strategic in-house process should be in place to accurately assess the value of the gift. Questions you need to know the answers to include: whether the donor expects you to keep or sell the gift (and the costs associated with each), who would manage the gift upon receipt, and how each process would play out. Learn what your institutional demarcation line is on whether the gift-in-kind is worth accepting and how best to communicate to the donor if you must decline.