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Develop a Race-Based Education Program for Your White Students

Last updated September 18, 2020

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Last Updated

September 18, 2020

Develop a Race-Based Education Program for Your White Students

Last updated September 18, 2020

Help your white students engage in racial justice efforts by giving them space to grow and learn.


Despite being outnumbered at predominantly white institutions (PWIs), students, staff, and faculty of color feel burdened by the responsibility of having to educate their white peers regarding racism and racial justice. When conversations about racial injustice arise at PWIs, cultural centers, ethnic studies departments, and student ethnic identity groups are often tasked with offering solutions and taking care of those harmed by racism. Unfortunately, at PWIs, rarely do race-based programs directly invite the majority racial group to engage in racial justice work and address the exclusionary racial climate.

Join us online and learn how Loyola University Chicago flipped the script and created a space to have courageous conversations about white privilege. Through their Ramblers Analyzing Whiteness (R.A.W.) program, self-identified white or multiracial students engaged in dialogue and action regarding their own racial identity, and they have performed the critical self-work required to understand racism and to understand how they can meaningfully engage in racial justice work. In this webcast, you will learn how Loyola:

  • Overcame initial opposition to the program, including negative media coverage
  • Inspired and recruited students to participate
  • Developed and managed the day-to-day logistics of the program, including the workshop curriculum

Who should attend?

Campus leaders, including directors of cultural centers and faculty, who want to initiate a race-based program to help white students engage in racial justice efforts or to address racist beliefs in their own lives will benefit most from this webcast. Predominately White Institutions (PWIs) will find this training especially valuable, but any school that is interested in creating a space for white students to explore racial justice and education is also welcome to join.


Setting Your Campus Up for Success
You will learn how Loyola’s R.A.W. initiative was established so that you can learn how to create a similar program on your own campus. You will hear best practices for how to:

  • Inspire student participation
  • Create opportunity for the majority race to talk about their racial identities and the privilege that comes with it
  • Respond to resistance from campus partners
  • Mitigate negative press coverage

Executing the Program
You will learn how Loyola’s R.A.W. initiative was managed and facilitated. You will walk away with lessons learned for how to:

  • Market the program to students
  • Design content and program activities for student workshops
  • Identify appropriate staff support and budget

About the R.A.W. Program

For more information about the Ramblers Analyzing Whiteness (R.A.W.) program, click here.