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Supporting Frontline Fundraisers Amidst Uncertainty: Rethinking Activities and Goals

Last updated September 24, 2020

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Last Updated

September 24, 2020

Supporting Frontline Fundraisers Amidst Uncertainty: Rethinking Activities and Goals

Last updated September 24, 2020

Help your fundraisers play the long game by focusing them on pipeline growth and donor engagement.


Amidst uncertainty, donor giving is likely to decrease. To keep your fundraisers motivated and ensure the long-term sustainability of your shop, you may need to shift the focus to identifying new prospects and keeping in touch with donors so that relationships are strong when the time is once again right for giving.

Join us for this one-hour webcast to learn practices you can implement with your fundraisers in these times to ensure major gift pipeline growth and sustained donor engagement. Our expert instructor will share the activities and goals he’s used during the pandemic to inspire his fundraisers and lay the groundwork for future giving.

Who should attend?

This webcast is ideal for advancement professionals who manage and support major gift officers. They will learn ways to focus resources and staff time on activities that support major gift pipeline growth and sustainability.


During this webcast, our expert instructor will share activities and goals that his team has used to engage prospects and donors to build a pipeline, such as:

  • Collaborating with prospect research to identify new prospects who have not been engaged
  • Developing smaller, more urgent goals to encourage momentum around both financial and engagement outcomes
  • Outreach to previously difficult-to-reach donors