Faculty Performance & Conduct: Reframing the Conversation
Last updated July 19, 2022Course Length
1h 32m
Last Updated
July 19, 2022

Faculty Performance & Conduct: Reframing the Conversation
Last updated July 19, 2022Table of Contents
Build the infrastructure you need in order to address faculty conduct issues as they occur and ensure collective faculty success.
Faculty conduct has significant implications for the overall morale and climate in a department, division, and institution. Faculty conduct can contribute positively to the success of students, colleagues, and the department. However, faculty conduct issues can impede individual faculty success, as well as the success of others, and disproportionately impact underrepresented groups in academia. Oftentimes, faculty conduct issues go undocumented and/or are never formally addressed, thus passively condoning the continuation of problematic behavior. Faculty affairs and academic leaders responsible for addressing faculty conduct issues need training and the proper infrastructure in order to implement consistent policies and practices that prevent the occurrence of problematic faculty conduct as soon as it starts.
Join us for this interactive training about creating an institutional infrastructure for addressing faculty conduct that is consistent, clear, and supportive for those who need to address these issues. You will walk away from this training with valuable tips, tools, and strategies that support faculty accountability.
Who should attend?
Central-level faculty affairs leaders, such as VPs of Faculty Affairs/Faculty Development, and unit-level academic leaders such as Deans, Chairs, and others who have responsibility for faculty oversight will benefit from this training.
September 28, 2022
12:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET
Part 1: Reframing the Work
Performance management is a practice long used in the human resources sector, but it is greatly underutilized by Chairs, Deans, and other administrators with responsibility for supervising faculty. In this segment of the training, we propose a shift in focus from perfunctory annual evaluations to a culture that holds faculty accountable for their conduct throughout the year. We will begin by focusing on how a shift in mindset to performance management can help faculty affairs leaders claim the authority necessary to promptly address faculty conduct concerns before they escalate.
Part 2: Consistent Policies & Practices
In order to address faculty conduct concerns as soon as they arise, faculty affairs leaders need consistent policies and practices. During this part of the training, we will demonstrate how faculty affairs leaders can address conduct and collegiality concerns within the evaluation of teaching, research, and service—both during the annual review process and as part of the promotion and tenure process.
Part 3: Finding Support
Faculty affairs leaders, particularly those in middle-management roles such as Chairs and Associate or Vice Deans, need visible support from the top down (Deans, Vice Deans, Provosts, etc.), across the institution (HR, Counsel, etc.) and among the faculty (Faculty Senate, department colleagues). During the final part of this training, we will focus on identifying the partners you need in order to ensure the success of consistent policies and practices around faculty accountability and how to make these partnerships successful.
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