Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Improving Faculty of Color Retention Efforts in Your Department

Last updated August 17, 2020

Last Updated

August 17, 2020

Improving Faculty of Color Retention Efforts in Your Department

Last updated August 17, 2020

Use your influence and authority to create a culture that supports faculty of color.


Many faculty members of color report bullying, harassment, invalidation, and exclusion by their colleagues and supervisors. To further perpetuate the toxicity, their personal experiences are often ignored or explained away, preventing meaningful change. As a result, faculty of color are often forced to leave their institutions to seek their own change, which can, in turn, negatively impact the sense of belonging for your students of color. With recruitment efforts halted due to budget cuts, you cannot afford this attrition. Now is the time to focus and improve your retention practices.

Join us online for this three-hour workshop where you will learn how to take a proactive approach to your retention practices aimed at faculty of color. Our expert speakers will present the latest research explaining why retention efforts for faculty of color fall short. In addition, they will share best practices for utilizing and influencing your relationships, processes, and policies to your advantage to improve and sustain your efforts across the institution. You will spend time examining your own institutional data to understand systemic or department-level issues causing higher levels of attrition for your faculty of color.

Who should attend?

This training is designed for academic leaders including deans, faculty, human resources, EEO officers, and senior diversity officers who have agency to make change on their campus and improve their retention efforts for faculty of color. If you’re struggling with high attrition rates or you’re interested in discovering how you can better influence your colleagues, retention policies, and processes, this training is for you.


September 11, 2020

12:00 – 3:00 p.m. Eastern


During this three-hour virtual training, our expert instructors will help you identify how you can build a sphere of influence around you so your retention efforts become an institutional norm and your faculty of color feel more supported by all.

1. Research and Case Study Analysis

In this first section, you will review current research and a case study, both of which highlight common issues experienced by faculty of color, as well as reasons why many institutions struggle to retain faculty of color. You will then discuss how to use your power of authority and influence to overcome those challenges and implement practical and meaningful solutions, such as formal mentoring programs, employee resource groups, and SafeZone roundtable discussions that are appropriate for your campus.


2. Data Analysis

You will examine your own institution’s data to understand possible trends for why your faculty of color may be leaving. You will be asked to request anonymous faculty-of-color exit interview data from your Human Resources department prior to participating in this workshop. Please contact Rabia Khan Harvey in advance if you need a sample email to help you request this data from your HR department.