Indiana University Indianapolis: Continuing Leaders Program
Last updated October 18, 2024Last Updated
October 18, 2024

Indiana University Indianapolis: Continuing Leaders Program
Last updated October 18, 2024Table of Contents
Agenda topics are subject to change based on ongoing collaboration between IUI and Academic Impressions. Please revisit this page for updated pre-work and other information in advance of each session.
October 8 and 9, 2024 | In-person Workshop
The materials for this session can be found by clicking the “View Workshop Materials” button on the right. They include the agenda, slide decks, and outputs from the activities: Five Paths Meetings and the Appreciative Interview.
November 19, 2024 (1:00pm – 2:30pm ET) | Report-out from October session
During our previous workshop, you established a leadership commitment for yourself. In our upcoming session, you’ll do the following:
- Reflect on and evaluate progress you’ve made on that commitment
- Learn from each other via the practice of a coaching approach
No specific preparation is needed, nor do you need to bring anything specific to the training. Just come prepared to engage in conversation with your colleagues.
Recommended Training:
Leaders as Coaches: Improving Employee and Team Performance
In this three-part webcast series, you’ll learn a variety of essential coaching techniques, all of which will help you motivate and build trust with your team members. Skills include the following:
- Empathetic Listening
- Acknowledging and Validating
- Asking Empowering Questions
- Visioning
- Planting the Seed
- Intruding
December 17, 2024 (1:00pm – 2:30pm ET) | Five Paths to Leadership℠ Continued Learning
To prepare for this session:
- If you have not already done so, please complete The Five Paths to Leadership℠ Self-Assessment – Academic Impressions
- If you were unable to attend the workshop on October 8 & 9, or if you need a refresher on understanding your self-assessment results, express register to complete this course: Understanding Your Five Paths to Leadership℠ Assessment Results – Academic Impressions
You’ve been introduced to the Five Paths to Leadership℠ Self-Assessment. Now it’s time to dig a little deeper. You told us that you’d like to discuss in more detail what happens to your scores under stress. You ask…we deliver. In this session, we’re going to explore how your scores/paths blend together in unique ways and you’ll dig deeper into understanding what happens to your scores under stress. The goal of the conversation is to develop a greater understanding of your leadership and how it may be impacted by stress, so that you can be better prepared to navigate stressful situations effectively.
Recommended Training:
Managing Up, Down and Across: Examine how to get on the same page with and influence your supervisor, faculty/staff and peers to achieve common goals.
January 21, 2025 (9:30am – 11:00am ET) | Giving Feedback
Giving feedback to faculty and staff in a way that is both direct and respectful is a challenging thing to do, even for seasoned leaders. Most of us figure it out the hard way by fumbling, softening what we meant to say, or confusing the message. In the long-run, this approach can delay or prevent the faculty’s development or pathway to promotion and tenure and, consequently, it impacts the department and university as a whole. We’ll explore the topic of providing feedback to faculty. Specifically, you’ll learn and practice using a simple, yet effective, four-step method, which you can use to provide timely, constructive and meaningful feedback in a way that feels collaborative and engaging.
Recommended Trainings:
- Feedback as a Faculty (Re)Engagement Strategy: Watch this recording and learn how to provide feedback to faculty in a way that develops their talents and re-engages them.
- Improving Faculty Evaluations: A Training for Department Chairs: Watch this training to learn how to make your next faculty evaluation session easier and more productive.
February 18, 2025 (1:00pm – 2:30pm ET) | Difficult Conversations
Conflict management is an inevitable part of leadership life and if handled correctly, can be quite productive to strengthening relationships and work outcomes. And yet, it’s a skill that many leaders feel is the most challenging to get right. The good news is, like with any skill, practice makes it easier. So, in this session, we’ll explore the State Your Path model from Crucial Conversations and you’ll have the opportunity to practice using it so that you can grow your confidence and abilities to tackle difficult conversations.
Recommended Training:
Conflict Management: A Practical Workshop for Leaders: You will learn how to build a Conflict Strategy Map that helps you understand what the conflict is about and how to take action to fix things.
March 18, 2025 (9:00am – 10:30am ET)| High Performing Teams Assessment
High performing teams are rare for many reasons, but the most critical is that team performance – and the conditions that enable it – are dynamic. Most teams spend most of their time doing the work—not stepping back to examine how they are doing the work. This is problematic because the reason most teams experience dysfunction has nothing to do with talent or hard work; it has to do with group process.
During this session, you’ll have the opportunity to complete The High Performing Teams Assessment, which examines your team’s performance on the following four dimensions:
- Trust and Psychological Safety
- Purpose
- Group Dynamics
- Learning
After taking the assessment, you’ll spend time in community with the rest of the cohort making sense of your results and discussing ways you can improve your team’s performance based on your assessment results.
Recommended Training:
Elevate and Energize: 4 Key Strategies for High Impact Leadership Retreats: We’ll help you design a retreat that is more purposeful, that builds trust through collaboration, and that engages all voices and perspectives on your team.
April 15, 2025 (10:00am – 11:30am ET) | Empathy Fatigue: Balancing the Emotional Demands
As a leader, you know that empathy is a behavior that can help you build connections and trust with others on your team. Due to the uncertainty and rapid change happening across higher education, you may have found yourself exercising empathy with colleagues more often and at greater depths than you’ve ever had to before. Empathy fatigue may be settling in and you might be noticing that exercising empathy gets more difficult the more tired and worn out you become. In this session, you’ll discuss ways to recognize the signals of empathy fatigue, and you’ll think about how to embrace empathy when it’s most needed.
May 9, 2025 (9:00am – 11:00am ET) | Leadership Philosophies
As we approach the end of this leadership development program, we have the opportunity to celebrate what we’ve learned about ourselves as leaders. In this final session, you’ll share your personal leadership philosophy with others and we’ll discuss the gains you’ve made in your leadership development.
Pre-Work: Worksheet to be posted soon.