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Proposed Title IX Regulations: What You Should Be Doing Now

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Proposed Title IX Regulations: What You Should Be Doing Now

Join your peers for a practical discussion about the Biden administration’s proposed Title IX regulations for your institution’s current Title IX compliance.


On June 23, 2022, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released proposed changes to the existing Title IX implementing regulations. These proposed changes shed light on and clarify how this current administration’s Office for Civil Rights intends to change existing obligations under the May 2020 Title IX regulations. However, regardless of the outcome of the Biden administration’s proposed regulatory changes, Biden’s proposed regulations nevertheless provide a roadmap for your institution’s current Title IX compliance.

Join us for an engaged discussion about the next critical steps your Title IX team should begin taking immediately, as well as which steps you should avoid until the administrative process required for the proposed regulations to become law has concluded. Our expert instructors Cara Hardin, attorney and Title IX Deputy Coordinator at Marquette University, and Adrienne Lyles, Executive Director for Gender Equity & Inclusion and Title IX Coordinator at the University of Cincinnati, will lead a group conversation around the Biden administration’s proposed amendments.