Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Reopening Libraries: A Dialogue on Supporting Staff and Users (Virtual Workshop)


Reopening Libraries: A Dialogue on Supporting Staff and Users (Virtual Workshop)


Table of Contents


Headshot of Deirdre Childs Kristin Meyer Amy Ward


Deirdre Childs
Access Services Manager, West Chester
University of Pennsylvania


Kristin Meyer
User Experience Librarian, Grand Valley
State University


Amy Ward
Associate Dean of Libraries, West Chester
University of Pennsylvania

Course Highlights

  • 3h of video instruction
  • Downloadable resources

Course Details

Released 8/12/2020

As fall approaches, your academic library operations are drastically changing in response to COVID-19 guidelines. You likely feel a rising tension between supporting your staff as they shift in their roles and supporting your users as their experience is entirely transformed. Both groups will need intensive guidance and care as they adjust to restricted ways of working and studying. One core question guiding your future planning is: “How can we operate to meet our users’ most important goals while keeping our staff and users safe?”

Join us for a virtual training and dialogue that will offer emerging solutions for ensuring safety measures are met at your libraries. Our panel of expert presenters will share their challenges, successes, and ideas, and you will engage with other leaders across the academic library landscape to brainstorm solutions for your library’s unique context.

Who Should Attend

This virtual event is designed for deans, directors, and other senior library faculty and staff who are looking for a forum to discuss solutions to the complex issues surrounding reopening library operations with their peers.


  • Introduction
  • Supporting Your Staff
  • Supporting Your Users

We Want to Hear From You!

Please take a few minutes to fill out a short survey letting us know about your experience with this course.


Why is this event retired?

At AI we want to always ensure that the best and most current trainings are available to members, and we regularly review our trainings to ensure that is the case.