Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Using Mediation Skills to Resolve Conflicts Between Faculty or Staff: A Training for Department Chairs

Course Length

1h 33m

Using Mediation Skills to Resolve Conflicts Between Faculty or Staff: A Training for Department Chairs

Use collaborative problem-solving to engage others in conflict and achieve mutually acceptable solutions.


Conflict is difficult because it sparks an emotional response in each of us and requires us to navigate the inherent tensions that arise from differences in perspective and expectation. As a department chair, you have the responsibility to manage conflict with grace, so that you can lead by example and create a culture where conflict is viewed as healthy and productive. This is true when you’re managing a conflict you’re directly involved in, but it’s even more important when you’re called upon to help others resolve a conflict because they are finding it difficult to make progress on their own.   

Join us online to learn how mediation techniques can help you to facilitate productive conversations and seek resolution when faculty and/or staff are in conflict or dispute with each other. You’ll learn how to diffuse the tension that arises during conflict while also focusing on collaborative problem-solving that creates mutually acceptable solutions for all involved. You’ll learn how to: 

  • Establish ground rules to create a respectful and productive environment. 
  • Identify the goals and expectations of each participant for the conversation. 
  • Engage those in conflict to help uncover and understand underlying issues. 
  • Focus on collaborative problem-solving to find agreement. 
  • Recognize when progress is not happening, and identify options for getting back on track. 

Who should attend?

This training is designed for department chairs of any/all experience levels who are looking to develop skills that will help them to facilitate conflict conversations and disputes involving faculty, staff, and even students. 

Please notethis workshop will not train you to become a certified mediator or mediation specialist.  Instead, it will provide a foundational knowledge of mediation techniques and strategies that can make you more effective at resolving the conflicts that arise amongst your faculty and staff.   


Part 1:  An Introduction to Mediation Techniques
During the first half of the training, you’ll be introduced to several mediation techniques through a combination of lecture and demonstration. If you’re looking to learn more about what mediation is and when and how it can help you to resolve conflict amongst faculty and staff, you are encouraged to attend this portion.   

Part 2:  Practice Using Mediation Techniques
During the last half of the training, we’ll practice the above mediation techniques through a casestudy approach. The goal of this part of the training is to experience a mediation session in action. We’ll also use this time to reflect upon your experience during the mediation process. We ask that those attending this portion of the training come ready to participate and engage in the role-play and dialogue.