Higher Ed Leaders: We're Here for You - A Message from Our CEO

Let’s Talk About Race and Collective Responsibility

Last updated March 8, 2022

Course Length

1h 50m

Last Updated

March 8, 2022

Let’s Talk About Race and Collective Responsibility

Last updated March 8, 2022

Situate your understanding of individual race dynamics within a broader context.


It is no surprise that in the United States, racial tensions—especially between Black and White Americans—are alive and well and continue to do harm. For example, those who are Black-presenting do not get to choose or operate from the historically privileged social identities such as class, age, or ableism that White-presenting people do. In this session, therefore, you will learn how race dynamics between these two groups play out in European countries versus the United States. You will also examine how you communicate subconsciously to avoid or shut down conversations, either as a defense mechanism or to prohibit critical dialogue about racial inequity. Finally, you will learn strategies that will help us, as a collective, to move forward while simultaneously embracing the new challenges that are sure to come our way.

Who should attend?

This workshop series is designed for higher-ed professionals across all levels and functional areas who are a) seeking an opportunity for self-development, and b) committed to supporting the advancement of diversity and inclusivity efforts on their campus.