Performance Metrics for Prospect Research and Management Staff

Last updated February 28, 2013

Course Length

1h 29m

Last Updated

February 28, 2013

Performance Metrics for Prospect Research and Management Staff

Last updated February 28, 2013


Determining if your fundraising professionals are meeting their dollar goals is relatively easy. However, your prospect research and management positions are fundamentally different, requiring an evaluative approach that balances front-line needs with production timeframe realities.

Join us online to learn how to develop prospect research and management staff metrics for your shop. Our expert instructor, Marianne M. Pelletier, Senior Consultant, Cornell University, will share three evaluation models for both prospect researchers and managers, and you will leave knowing which model will work best for your shop. We will also discuss:

  • Setting realistic expectations around performance metrics
  • Specific metrics for both prospect researchers and managers
  • Effectively tracking your solution and graphing results
  • Building buy-in for your solution

Who should attend?

Advancement and advancement services managers will learn how to better choose appropriate metrics to evaluate the performance of their prospect research and management professionals.


  • Underlying considerations
    • What prospect research and management can and can’t do for you
    • Quality standards: industry best practice and modern considerations
  • Prospect research staff
    • Client needs solution
      • Campaign timeline
      • Programs and their specific needs
      • Quantifying satisfaction
    • Standard production solution
      • Setting and meeting deadlines
      • Productivity expectations
      • Research resource vs. research depth vs. client number
  • Prospect management staff
    • Portfolio considerations
    • Climate considerations
    • Campaign considerations
  • Effectively tracking your solution and graphing results
  • Building buy-in for your solution & next steps
    • Identifying the solution that is right for your shop