Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Navigating Politics: A Virtual Training for Women in Higher Ed

Last updated March 5, 2021

Course Length

1h 8m

Last Updated

March 5, 2021

Navigating Politics: A Virtual Training for Women in Higher Ed

Last updated March 5, 2021

Learn three new actions for understanding current dynamics, navigating constraints and challenges, and successfully bringing forward new ideas.


Do you find yourself puzzled by how to generate change in a complex organization? Do you encounter structural and social barriers to launching new initiatives and having an impact? Women in higher education must often apply an extra level of nuance and strategy in navigating politics, building buy-in, and leveraging soft power. Join us for this virtual training to better define and diagnose the challenges higher-ed women leaders face, and build new tools and tactics for promoting and advancing positive change.

Who should attend?

Women at all levels and across all areas of campus looking to develop and pitch new solutions or strive for more influence on their campuses will benefit from this training.



May 4, 2021

1:00 – 2:30 p.m. Eastern


Guiding Principles of Politics in Complex Organizations

In this first section, we will introduce you to a framework outlining steps for navigating politics in complex organizations.


Step One: Mapping and Understanding Power

In this section, we will discuss the importance of understanding where power resides at your institution or within your college/unit. Where are your supporters? Where are the primary challenges or hurdles that you face? Where do you stand in the power you wield as an individual?


Step Two: Diagnosing Factors and Obstacles

Here we will look at how to build a causal map related to the challenges we face. We will learn how to distinguish between structural and social obstacles and identify where action can have the most impact in moving a program or initiative forward.


Step Three: Demystifying and Taking [the Right] Risks

In this final section, we will discuss the psychological and institutional factors involved in risk taking. We will talk about how to anticipate objections in new initiatives and share tools to help you bring innovation to solving problems while operating within your locus of control.