Impacting Fundamental Campus Safety Issues Webcast Recording

(Retired) | Last updated January 23, 2017

Course Length

1h 26m

Last Updated

January 23, 2017

Impacting Fundamental Campus Safety Issues Webcast Recording

(Retired) | Last updated January 23, 2017

Table of Contents


When looking to improve campus safety, many institutions immediately turn to high-tech solutions that may not be affordable. However, your campus can meaningfully affect campus safety by more actively addressing a number of smaller, yet critical campus safety issues without necessarily spending a lot of money. Many campuses find this list of smaller updates to be overwhelming and this can result in staff not knowing where to start.

Learn how your institution can create the partnerships and processes needed to identify, communicate, and resolve fundamental campus safety issues on your campus. You will leave this training better able to impact four major areas of campus safety, including:

  • Access and points of entry
  • Grounds safety
  • Vandalism and broken items
  • Policy and protocol

Who should attend?

It is important to get both frontline staff who interact directly with students, as well as the “behind the scenes” staff together in to participate in this webcast. We encourage attendees from:

  • Risk management
  • Campus safety
  • Facilities
  • Residence Life
  • Student union staff


  • Forming effective campus safety partnerships
    • Who are the players
    • How to gather and collaborate with key players on campus
  • Four areas to impact
    • Access and points of entry
    • Grounds safety
    • Vandalism and broken items
    • Policy and protocol review
  • Next steps for action

Why is this event retired?

At AI we want to always ensure that the best and most current trainings are available to members, and we regularly review our trainings to ensure that is the case.