Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Customizing Orientation for Transfer Students

(Retired) | Last updated April 17, 2015

Course Length

1h 30m

Last Updated

April 17, 2015

Customizing Orientation for Transfer Students

(Retired) | Last updated April 17, 2015


An estimated 60 percent of college graduates will have attended more than one institution in the course of their undergraduate experience. With community college enrollment increasing nationwide, recruiting and retaining transfer students at four-year institutions has become a priority among university administrators. It is vital for administrators to work collaboratively across campus toward creating a transfer-friendly culture to better serve this emerging population at their institutions.

Join us for a webcast that will address the pressing issues surrounding transfer student orientation. Focusing on the experience of two practitioners, this webcast will provide an overview of considerations for customizing your transfer-student orientation program. Included with your registration is a packet of resources that includes sample orientation agendas and schedules.

Who should attend?

The audience for this event will include coordinators for transfer student programs, directors and coordinators of transfer student centers, directors of transfer services and articulation, transfer advisors, assistant directors of transfer services, directors of new student programs, and admissions counselors who work with transfer students and hold additional responsibilities outside recruiting. Additionally, at smaller institutions, directors for student affairs, assistant directors for student affairs, directors of new student orientation, and assistant directors of new student orientation all may be involved with transfer student success and retention and would benefit from the content as well.


  • Creating a successful transfer student orientation
    • Understanding what transfers want in an orientation program
    • Planning for a successful orientation
    • Collaborating across campus (faculty, staff, departments, etc.)
  • Assessing your transfer orientation
    • Sample learning outcomes
    • Sample reports
  • Extending orientation through welcome week
  • Scaling considerations for orientation programs
    • Large vs. small school considerations
    • Community college vs. four-year institutions
    • Understanding the transfer student population
  • Incorporating an online component into orientation
  • Concluding thoughts and questions

Why is this event retired?

At AI we want to always ensure that the best and most current trainings are available to members, and we regularly review our trainings to ensure that is the case.