Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Building Community and Creating Connection: A Discussion for Asian Leaders in Higher Education

Last updated January 17, 2023

Course Length

1h 16m

Last Updated

January 17, 2023

Building Community and Creating Connection: A Discussion for Asian Leaders in Higher Education

Last updated January 17, 2023

Make connections and build community with Asian higher education leaders.


Asian students, faculty, and staff continue to be underrepresented in higher education, and as we look at leadership positions, this gap widens further, with only 1% of college presidents identifying as Asian.

This discussion is designed to build community amongst Asian leaders, honor the broad range of cultures and experiences of leaders who identify as Asian, make space to discuss challenges and strategies for leadership success, and create new connections through networking and optional mentorship.

This program is the first in a two-part series. While this first program is designed intentionally for leaders who identify as Asian, the second session is intended for any leader interested in creating systemic change at their institution to better support Asian leaders.

Who should attend?

Current and aspiring leaders interested in building community with other Asian leaders should attend.

While this first program is created intentionally for leaders who identify as Asian, any leader interested in creating systemic change at their institution to better support Asian leaders is invited to join us for the second session.

Members: Login to access both of these trainings for free!

Not yet a member? Use promo code asian-leaders-bundle to receive $200 off when you register for both trainings.


Friday, April 14, 2023

1:00 – 2:30 p.m. ET

  1. Because Asian leaders encompass a wide range of backgrounds, cultures, and lived experiences, this program will kick off with the goal of building connections and celebrating the many interests and affinity groups present. Attendees will drive the topics of conversation with the goal of sharing and learning from others’ challenges and successes in higher education leadership.
  2. Next, we’ll provide an opportunity to share your wish list for how you wish institutions would better support Asian leaders. This part of the discussion will help inform a training designed specifically for leaders looking to create more inclusive and equitable campuses for Asian faculty and staff.
  3. Finally, we’ll invite participants to explore how they can continue to build connections throughout their leadership journeys through both networking and mentorship. We will provide an opportunity for anyone interested in serving as a mentor or looking for a mentor to make a connection.