Effective Supervision in Higher Education
Last updated February 15, 2018Course Length
1h 4m
Last Updated
February 15, 2018

Effective Supervision in Higher Education
Last updated February 15, 2018Table of Contents
Supervision is much more than informal meetings and annual performance reviews. This online training examines a supervisory model that can help you develop the capacity of your employees. You will learn:
- Keys to being an effective supervisor
- Questions to use in creating a meaningful supervisory relationship
- Methods for establishing trust
- An effective supervisory structure (when to meet and what to cover)
- How to discuss areas for learning and improvement
Join us online to learn how effective supervision can improve your team’s performance and results.
Who should attend?
This online training is designed for presidents, vice presidents, provosts, deans, directors, and other higher-ed professionals who have direct reports at their institution.
- Defining effective supervision
- The role of trust and power in the supervisor-supervisee relationship
- 7 key questions for creating two-way dialogue
- Creating structure/model for a supervision
- When to meet and what to cover
- Supervisor feedback (360° feedback)
- Plan for improvement and learning
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