Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Strategies to Engage Faculty in Research Growth

Last updated January 9, 2019

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Last Updated

January 9, 2019

Strategies to Engage Faculty in Research Growth

Last updated January 9, 2019

Actively cultivate your faculty’s engagement in growing research activities at your institution.


An increasing number of universities are under pressure to boost their research activity to gain more prestige, foster greater learning opportunities, and better contribute to economic development and innovation. However, breaking into such a competitive space requires interest from faculty, which can be a challenging due to their heavy teaching loads or lack of understanding of how research can benefit their institutions.

A key vehicle in engaging faculty with research growth is communication. In order to gain trust, it’s crucial to use techniques that promote transparency and effectively justify the value of growing research.

Join us online to hear our experienced speaker, Dr. Sangita Pawar, discuss how to cultivate faculty’s engagement in advancing research through transparent communication strategies. Sangita will share her experiences and best practices in getting faculty on board with research initiatives that she attained from her past roles as faculty and administrator.

This webcast will benefit teaching universities as well as institutions with lower research activity who would like to increase their presence in the research space.

Who should attend?

The content of this webcast will benefit those charged with growing research in their school or department, such as: research administrators, directors of research institutes, VPs of research, and associate deans of research.


In this webcast, we will walk through the key components of stewarding faculty towards engagement with research growth:

  • Understanding and overcoming faculty skepticism
  • Developing effective communication strategies
  • Maintaining transparency through data