Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Key Decisions for Decentralized
Budgeting Implementation

(Retired) | Last updated January 24, 2017

Course Length

1h 41m

Last Updated

January 24, 2017

Key Decisions for Decentralized
Budgeting Implementation

(Retired) | Last updated January 24, 2017


Join us online to discuss the pros, cons, and impact of critical decisions related to revenue and expense allocation in a decentralized budget model. Featuring lessons learned from Miami University and South Dakota State University, this training is perfect for institutions who are preparing to implement decentralized budgeting at their institution but want to do so in a deliberate and planned manner. This training will help you determine your own method for:

  • Establishing provisions for specialized programs
  • Determining recovery and chargeback for facilities and administrative costs
  • Accounting for off-campus provisions and cross-listed courses
  • Ensuring appropriate oversight, decision making, and communication

Who should attend?

This webcast is designed to appeal to all those involved in making decisions surrounding the tax, chargeback, and revenue/expense allocations of a decentralized budget model. This may include:

  • Chief Financial Officers
  • Deans considering RCM
  • Budget Officers
  • Financial Analysts
  • RCM Manager


  • DECISION SET 1: Pre-implementation needs
    • Management and technology infrastructure
    • Engaging budget and oversight committee
    • Communication plan
  • DECISION SET 2: Revenue allocation decisions
    • Establishing distinctions between units
    • Weighting based on value/cost characteristics
    • Determining the distribution methodology
  • DECISION SET 3: Direct and Indirect Expense allocation decisions
    • Clarify central or delegated decision making authority
    • Determining methodology for facilities and administration
    • Relegating decision making authority
  • Post-Implementation monitoring

Why is this event retired?

At AI we want to always ensure that the best and most current trainings are available to members, and we regularly review our trainings to ensure that is the case.