Partner with Faculty to Maximize Private Funding Opportunities
Last updated December 11, 2018Course Length
Last Updated
December 11, 2018

Partner with Faculty to Maximize Private Funding Opportunities
Last updated December 11, 2018Table of Contents
Learn how to better partner with faculty to maximize private funding from foundations.
Learn how to better partner with faculty to maximize your CFR efforts.
With the increasing competition in public research funding, CFR professionals must partner with faculty to maximize private funding. Discover how one CFR team increased dollars raised for faculty by tenfold by pulling the following success levers:
- Creating awareness of available funding opportunities and educating faculty on what it takes to acquire those funds.
- Gaining a deeper understanding of faculty financial needs and putting a plan in place to achieve their goals.
- Positioning your team as a resource for private funding knowledge and best practices.
- Using a project management approach that fosters mutual accountability between faculty and CFR staff to ensure everyone is on target to achieve their goals.
Join us for this webcast where our speaker will explain how to partner with, engage, and train your faculty in order to maximize private funding.
Who should attend?
This training has been designed for Corporate and Foundation Relations professionals who would like to partner with their faculty to increase private funding. The speaker will draw heavily on examples from working with private foundations, but the approach will also be applicable to those working in corporate engagement.
Sponsored research professionals, such as research development staff tasked with assisting faculty in seeking funding, would benefit from this training as well.
Our expert speaker from University of Massachusetts Dartmouth will present two funding stories from their inception to the final stages, with emphasis on these three key areas below:
- Creating Awareness Through Formal Training Sessions With the right level of preparation and quality in delivery, formal training sessions can serve as a funnel to identify interested faculty, learn their needs, and start building relationships.
- Marketing and Branding Your Services Positioning yourself as a resource for faculty is at the core of your success. This part of the webcast will highlight how you can market and brand your services internally that can be applied to a variety of organizational structures.
- Creating Mutual Accountability Through a Project Management Approach Amidst fierce competition, the extensive work it takes to successfully apply and win a private grant takes strong project management skills. You will learn a project management and reporting framework to ensure faculty and grant offices are on track.
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