Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

On-Demand Virtual Writing Cafe

Last updated January 14, 2021

Course Length

3h 25m

Last Updated

January 14, 2021

On-Demand Virtual Writing Cafe

Last updated January 14, 2021

Supporting Academics with Research and Writing.


Amidst the competing demands of teaching and service, academics are always under pressure to find time for their scholarship. During these uncertain times, with daily routines disrupted, the challenge of maintaining scholarship work is even more critical. Many academics are struggling with the competing priorities of remote learning, student and university needs, and their own isolation and break from writing and research routines—all while managing changes to their own daily lives.

As a member, you now have the opportunity to take advantage of the new On-Demand Virtual Writing Café, a tool that provides support to help you dedicate focused time each day to your writing tasks.

Who should attend?

Our On-Demand Writing Café is open to all Academic Impressions members. Faculty members with research and writing responsibilities and other campus administrators who are undertaking focused writing and “deep work” tasks will benefit the most.