Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Athletics Fundraising: Direct Mail Strategy

Last updated September 22, 2015

Course Length

1h 33m

Last Updated

September 22, 2015

Athletics Fundraising: Direct Mail Strategy

Last updated September 22, 2015


Learn how to develop a comprehensive direct mail strategy for your athletic program. If your institution is looking to grow its athletic fundraising efforts, a coordinated direct mail strategy is a cost-effective first step toward building a donor pipeline and growing fundraising capacity. You will gain insights on scheduling sends, creating compelling messaging, and coordinating your efforts across coaches, student athletes, and centralized advancement staff.

Examples of Direct Mail Pieces

Included in your registration is a comprehensive resource packet with sample mailing schedules and successful direct mail and email campaigns.

Who should attend?

Athletic fundraisers will learn how to coordinate with their annual giving counterparts to develop a more effective approach to direct mail. Please note that this program is intended for institutions with a basic direct mail strategy for their athletics programs, not institutions that currently have coordinated efforts in place.


  • Developing an intentional mailing schedule in coordination with your annual giving team
  • Creating messaging for direct mail
    • Identifying compelling stories
      • Highlighting student athletes
      • Collaborating with coaches
    • Customizing content for sport-specific appeals
    • Integrating the direct mail and email campaigns
    • Developing a complementary social media presence
  • Systematizing acknowledgements
  • Ensuring donor engagement and retention