Does the end of the academic year feel like a survival race, leaving you burned out and considering different career options? Does the approaching summer fill you with dread as you consider all the catching up you must do now that the semester is over? What if instead of approaching the summer with the mindset […]
In this free webinar we will demystify what coaches do, how coaching sessions work, and who would benefit most from consulting with an executive coach. Further, we will address a number of common myths surrounding coaching. With the help of Steve Titus, you will have the opportunity to reflect on how a coach could plug […]
Today higher education faces four unforgiving paradoxes: These paradoxes don’t have easy answers, but they must be addressed. Join us in July for a deep discussion of findings from our recent paper The Future of Higher Education. You will hear perspectives contributed by university presidents and board chairs on the four paradoxes we all face–and […]
Pre-COVID, most colleges and universities had clear processes and long-standing practices in place for employee search and hiring. But the course of the pandemic and the hybrid workforce in which we are now operating is causing higher ed talent management leaders across North America to rethink these processes in big and small ways. Join us […]
Most institutions have already communicated with faculty and staff about their expectations for returning to campus. Certain employees must return to the physical campus for some–if not all–days of the week, but other employees can still carry out their jobs with more flexible work schedules. In fact, this flexibility is essential if institutions want to […]
As faculty in higher education, you have likely received some campus training on microaggressions. However, the way these incidents show up between and among faculty, administrators, and students is often very different from how they display in other areas of campus. If you are a woman or underrepresented faculty, have you reflected on how microaggressions […]
In today’s competitive and resource-constrained environment, it is critical for higher ed leaders to understand the impact of their offerings—at both the program and the course levels—from an economic standpoint. In the absence of regular data collection and analysis on revenue, costs, and margins, leaders cannot manage their academic program mix effectively and make strategic […]
Graduate education leaders are managing a difficult balancing act in light of current circumstances. On one hand, there’s a real need to be proactive with yield strategy and communication with admitted students, both domestic and international. On the other, there is still a lot of uncertainty related to the trajectory of the pandemic and institutional […]
Many professionals in higher ed struggle to find career, personal, and professional development trainings that are not only effective, but also speak directly to their unique needs. In a landscape that is so distinct from others and that is historically change-averse and siloed, it’s all the more important to have access to resources that are […]
Retention and career mapping are critically important within Advancement. These topics have been long-standing conversations within our field, and the pandemic and new ways of working have continued to keep them top-of-mind. Turnover within advancement teams is high, and those who remain have to juggle supervision and fundraising responsibilities; therefore, it is essential we train […]