Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Strategies & Mindsets for Actualizing Your Purpose: A Discussion

Connecting your everyday work with your life’s purpose to find greater well-being contributes to improved professional satisfaction and productivity, but it requires continued reflection and iteration. Join us for a 1-hour discussion where we will further explore themes from Actualize Your Purpose: A Workshop on Improving Your Well-Being.

Actualize Your Purpose: A Workshop on Improving Your Well-Being

The pandemic has fundamentally altered the way we work: remote and hybrid environments, students and colleagues in greater need of support, and demands for greater work-life balance. This is the perfect time to take stock, check in with yourself and your goals, and start creating work habits that work for you.    Join us online for […]

Strategies & Mindsets for Actualizing Your Purpose: A Discussion

Connecting your everyday work with your life’s purpose to find greater well-being contributes to improved professional satisfaction and productivity, but it requires continued reflection and iteration. Join us for a 1-hour discussion where we will further explore themes from Actualize Your Purpose: A Workshop on Improving Your Well-Being.

Actualize Your Purpose: A Workshop on Improving Your Well-Being

The pandemic has fundamentally altered the way we work: remote and hybrid environments, students and colleagues in greater need of support, and demands for greater work-life balance. This is the perfect time to take stock, check in with yourself and your goals, and start creating work habits that work for you. Join us online for […]

Recognizing & Resisting Imposter Syndrome: A Discussion Series

Recognizing & Resisting Imposter Syndrome: A Discussion Series Login On: April 25, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. ET JOIN ZOOM MEETING Full Event Information VIEW EVENT PAGE Including: Agenda Overview Speaker Bios Prepare for the Workshop This workshop is intentionally designed to allow for maximum learning, connections, and engagement. We advise the following in order to participate […]

Communicating Boundaries with Empathy: A Training for Department Chairs

In a 2021 survey conducted by Academic Impressions, 51% of respondents reported experiencing clinical levels of burnout. These high levels of burnout come on the heels of department chairs being asked to do more than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic. You likely already know that you need to set boundaries both with your Dean and […]

Recruiting, Training, and Engaging Alumni Volunteers in a Digital Environment

Alumni volunteers are immensely valuable to institutions in both their service and giving power— they tend to give 10 times more than non-volunteers. However, since the pandemic, the script has flipped on how we recruit and engage alumni volunteers through digital channels. In-person volunteer opportunities continue to foster alumni engagement, but with digital opportunities growing […]

Infusing Domestic and Global Perspectives into Your DEI Initiatives

Creating and maintaining an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone on a campus is necessary to recruit and retain diverse faculty, students, and staff, as well as to create an environment that promotes Global Citizenship to reflect an increasingly global society. Yet at most institutions, DEI initiatives only focus on domestic diversity and lack a […]

Leading to Create Healthier Workplaces

Higher education is at its best when faculty and staff have a sense of freedom to be their best selves at work. Common causes of this lack of freedom include a fear of reprisal for sharing feedback or not feeling valued as a whole person. To create healthier workplaces that build confidence and provide a […]