Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Create a Culture of Cross-Campus Open Dialogue (Virtual Workshop)

Instructor Naomi Sigg Director, Office of Multicultural Affairs Case Western Reserve University   Edwin Mayes Director, First-Year Experience & Family Programs Case Western Reserve University Course Highlights 1h 22m of video instruction Downloadable resources Course Details Released 7/23/2020 Overview The recent Black Lives Matter movement and the fallout from COVID-19 have higher ed leaders searching for constructive ways to engage students, […]

Preparing Mental Health Services for the Fall (Virtual Workshop)

Instructor Denise HayesCounseling and Psychological Services Director &Licensed Health Service Provider in Psychology,Indiana University Bloomington Instructor Will MeekDirector of Counseling and Psychological Services & Licensed Psychologist, Brown University Instructor David RamirezDirector of Counseling and Psychological Services & ClinicalPsychologist, Swarthmore College   Course Highlights 75m of video instruction Downloadable resources Course Details Released 7/15/2020 As a […]

Communicating with Donors During Crisis and Uncertainty

Join us for this current-issue-oriented workshop, where our expert will take you through current situations and headlines, preparing you for the future of donor communications. We will help you navigate this important outreach in these rapidly changing times by discussing the following considerations: What do your donors need to know during times of crisis and […]

Updating Your Admissions Counselor Toolbox (Virtual Workshop Recording)

While there are some indications of how different things will look for admissions teams this cycle, now is the time to begin planning for various scenarios so that you are as prepared as possible for whatever the fall may bring. Admissions counselors typically have a “toolbox” that they can pull from throughout the enrollment funnel […]

Innovation Forum for Leaders of Community Colleges (Virtual Workshop)

Innovation Forum for Leaders of Community Colleges Discuss how to use your agility and unique strengths to your advantage as the leader of a two-year institution. Login On: September 24, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. EDT Zoom Login Instructions JOIN ZOOM MEETING https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86549449324?pwd=bWl1eW0xdWdXbnJDa1k5cW0vZFJ4UT09 Meeting ID: 865 4944 9324 Passcode: 866556 If you wish to join a […]

Driving New Revenue on Your Campus: A Brainstorming Session for Higher Ed Leaders (Virtual Workshop)

Instructor Robert Manasier Entrepreneur-in-Residence/New Venture Manager – Innovate 518 Instructor Garret Westlake Executive Director of the da Vinci Center, Virginia Commonwealth University Course Highlights 60m of video instruction Downloadable resources Course Details Released 7/9//2020 Due to the pandemic, you’re likely confronting a budget shortfall this summer and have been considering cuts and furloughs, but are […]

Reopening Library Operations: A Dialogue on Planning and Implementation (Virtual Workshop)

Instructor Amy WardAssociate Dean of LibrariesWest Chester University of Pennsylvania Instructor Deirdre ChildsAccess Services ManagerWest Chester University of Pennsylvania Course Highlights 1h 55m of video instruction Downloadable resources Course Details Released 7/2/2020 Learning OutcomeAfter participating in this online training, library leaders will have ideas from peers for how to handle the complexities involved in reopening libraries.  […]

Building Digital Communities in Co-Curricular Spaces (Virtual Workshop)

Instructor Josie Alquist Digital Engagement and Leadership Speaker, Author, Consultant & Coach, Florida State University Research Associate & Leadership Instructor Course Highlights 73m of video instruction Downloadable resources Course Details Released 7/15/2020 As you prepare for a partially or fully remote fall semester, you are likely feeling pressure to ensure students can still participate in […]