Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Leadership Perspectives from Women Presidents

With only 30% of universities being led by women presidents, getting perspectives on how these women grew their skillsets and navigated their careers is paramount to helping aspiring women leaders attain their leadership goals. In this two-part session, you will hear two former women presidents look back on their careers and share: How they advocated […]

Cultivating a Professional and Engaging Persona on Your Video Calls

Cultivating a Professional and Engaging Persona on Your Video Calls Learn some simple ways you can improve the quality of your communication and connections with others online. Login On: October 5, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. ET Zoom Login Instructions JOIN ZOOM MEETING https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86198072516?pwd=SUJvUmR3Z2tiNmpQS3ptUGpIbE8xZz09 Meeting ID: 861 9807 2516Passcode: 773689 Prepare for the Workshop This workshop […]

The 5 Stages of Preparing Your Title IX Investigative Report

The final report that you prepare as Title IX investigator is critical. Not only is it highly visible and under scrutiny by all parties, but the information contained in it should also set the hearing panel up for success and reduce the exposure of litigation. To do this, your top priority is to create a […]

Engaging in Empathy: Balance the Emotional Demands

As a leader, you likely know that empathy is a behavior that can help you build connections and trust with others on your team. Due to the uncertainty and rapid change we have been navigating through this past year, you may have found yourself exercising empathy with colleagues more often and at greater depths than […]

Foundations of Auditing Endowed Funds

Knowing and communicating the financial health of your endowed funds will show your donors that their gift remains in good hands, which increases the potential for further giving. Now is the perfect time to review your endowed funds to ensure they remain: Legal: In compliance with rules and regulations Possible: To be rewarded according to fund criteria […]

Improving Faculty of Color Retention Efforts in Your Department

Many faculty members of color report bullying, harassment, invalidation, and exclusion by their colleagues and supervisors. To further perpetuate the toxicity, their personal experiences are often ignored or explained away, preventing meaningful change. As a result, faculty of color are often forced to leave their institutions to seek their own change, which can, in turn, […]

The Value of Relevance During Cross-Examination in Title IX Hearings

The new Title IX regulations bring about two changes related to the live Title IX hearing process: Join us online for a four-hour virtual training designed to increase your comfort level with the cross-examination process. Our expert faculty will first provide context for the new rule and help you review your own process so that […]

Engaging International Alumni in a Virtual World

Institutions have seen a significant increase in their engagement with international alumni since the beginning of COVID-19. This increase can be attributed to programming that was adapted from primarily in-person to exclusively digital and alumni’s desire to connect over their shared experience of the pandemic. Now more than ever, institutions need to accelerate the development […]

Taking Large-Scale Recruitment Events Online

As we face declining enrollments and a pandemic that limits in-person events, many enrollment and admissions professionals are struggling to adjust the traditional tactics they have used to recruit more students. Though most institutions rely on face-to-face recruitment events, the COVID-19 pandemic is challenging us to strategically shift to hosting virtual events instead. This program […]

Building Resilience During and After the Pandemic

Overview Our current working conditions mean we are juggling rapidly changing directives from work while also trying to manage a new normal at home. How do you maintain your professional resilience when faced with surmounting challenges or, even worse, layoffs? How do we keep these setbacks from becoming defeating messages we internalize? These 90-minute virtual […]