Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Recruiting, Training, and Engaging Alumni Volunteers in a Digital Environment

Instructors Clarybel Peguero, Ed.D.Senior Director for Volunteer EngagementDuke Alumni Association, Duke University   Parks SmithDirector of Strategic OperationsVirginia Commonwealth University Course Highlights 1hr 41m of video instruction Downloadable resources Course Details Released 01/28/2021 Alumni volunteers are immensely valuable to institutions in both their service and giving power— they tend to give 10 times more than […]

Tailoring Advancement Communications to Ages and Life Stages

When you create uniform messages with mass appeal for your donors and alumni, you may actually be pleasing very few people. Have you considered segmenting your communications for a more personalized and focused marketing strategy?    Join us for this virtual training to learn how the life stages of your donors and alumni should inform your medium and your message. You will learn which messages and platforms best appeal to groups of different ages and life […]

Title IX Appeal Officers: A Skills Training and Certification

As you navigate the new Title IX appeal process, you might find certain aspects difficult or confusing. Are you prepared to navigate the mandated timelines effectively? What elements of the investigative process should you focus on when reviewing your case? How do you handle situations where the judgment of your colleagues might have been compromised? […]

Department Chairs: Reflect, Refresh, and Plan for the New Year (Virtual Training Only)

Department chairs are under increasing pressure to manage and direct complex situations. In addition to navigating the changing landscape of higher education, you are making difficult budgetary decisions and supporting faculty under extreme duress – all while managing the effects of the pandemic on your own personal life. How can you create a plan to […]

Teaching a People-First Language Approach

Quantitative researchers and analysts commonly focus their writing exclusively on data accuracy without taking the importance of language into account. This focus on data – rather than on the people who are represented by the data – can result in material that is accurate from a methodological standpoint, but not appropriate or accessible to non-technical […]

Strengthen Student Community Building in Digital Spaces

As you reflect on this fall and prepare for another partially or fully remote semester, you may have found some successful strategies that have helped students build community online and others that have fallen flat. As students return after an unorthodox fall term, it will be more important than ever to strengthen online community building. […]

Understanding and Interrupting Privileged Classroom Practices

Historically, classrooms in higher ed have been molded by implicit cultural norms such as competition, lecture, and perfectionism. When we investigate the hidden values and practices we have inherited, we discover how we can unintentionally contradict our students’ cultural identities and hinder their learning. By noticing, interrogating, and interrupting the patterns that have shaped both […]

Mitigating and Responding to Bias in Your Title IX Process

To ensure confidence in the fair and equitable grievance process, the new 2020 Title IX regulations require bias reduction training for all members of your Title IX team. Implicit bias is inevitable; we all have them. Even with awareness and regular training, bias may sneak into your process. What can you do to prevent it […]

Preparing Doctoral Students for Careers in Academia and Beyond

Historically, institutions have worked to prepare doctoral students for careers in academia. As the higher education landscape has shifted in recent years, the number of PhD recipients has outpaced the number of available faculty positions in many sectors, resulting in a major increase in academic job seekers finding roles outside of the academe. To better […]

Working with Institutional Data for Student Retention

Instructor Bernadette JungblutAssoc. Provost for Accreditation, AcademicPlanning, and AssessmentCentral Washington University   Margot SaltonstallAssoc. Vice President for Enrollment Managementand Student Affairs, Northern Arizona University Course Highlights 2hr 30m of video instruction Downloadable resources Course Details Released 11/13/2020 Institutional Research (IR) data is a powerful tool for understanding attrition, planning programs, and predicting enrollment. Student affairs […]