Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable: Engaging in Dialogue About Race and Bias

Instructor Dr. Sandra MilesVice President, Student AffairsChief Diversity & Inclusion OfficerFlagler College Course Highlights 1hr, 42m of video instruction Downloadable resources Course Details Released 2/23/2021 Feelings of defensiveness and discomfort are common when engaging in conversations around race and bias. Even those who have done extensive reading on these emotionally-charged topics can find themselves fumbling […]

Conflict Management

Instructor Jeanne A.K. Hey, Ph.D.Dean EmeritaUniversity of New England Course Highlights 1 hr, 31 mins of video instruction Downloadable resources Course Details Released 3/23/2021 In this workshop, you will learn strategies to help you manage and resolve a variety of conflicts within your department and institution. You will be introduced to practical tools that can […]

Building Academic Leadership Development Programs on Your Campus

Academic leaders are typically expert scholars in their fields but don’t learn core leadership skills when they move into their leadership positions. They rarely get formal training on ways to be simultaneously self-aware, emotionally intelligent, savvy about navigating systems and hierarchies, as well as effective at financial management, public speaking, crisis management, and conflict resolution. […]

Inclusive Leadership: Understand Your Intersecting Identities to Better Serve Others

In research, it is not uncommon to interrogate your own positionality in relation to who you are researching to avoid bias. As leaders, however, we’re often focused on the long-term strategy and health of the organization and ignore the important practice of understanding who we are in relation to who we lead. When you understand […]

Strategies for Successfully Supporting an Interim Leader

Change is the one constant in higher education. And now — in the face of a global pandemic, massive budget cuts, enrollment declines, and hiring freezes — change is more prevalent than ever before. As colleges and universities respond to unprecedented levels of uncertainty and top talent for leadership positions are in high demand across the country, the need […]

Charting Your Course as a Woman Chair

As a woman chair, you are navigating a complex landscape. You’re working within a system that still skews overwhelmingly white and male. You’re trying to support faculty who are often crumbling under the strain of new online teaching demands and other uncertainties. Not to mention, you’re likely shouldering increased responsibilities at home and managing additional […]

A Model for Infusing Essential Career Skills into Co-Curricular Student Experiences

Educators who work with students outside the classroom know that co-curricular programs like student government or service learning can help students develop the skills employers want. While these experiences offer tremendous opportunity, without intentional design and assessment their impact will be limited. So, when there is little time to do so, how do we build more intentionally designed co-curricular experiences to further student skill development and measure learning? Join us for […]

Grounded in Research: Strategies to Support the Physical and Mental Health of Black Men

Daphne Watkins, Professor at the University of Michigan, has focused her research on understanding the social determinants of health that explain generational differences among Black men, developing evidence-based strategies to improve the physical and mental health of Black men, and increasing knowledge about the intersection of culture, ethnicity, age, and gender. She is also the […]

Foster Inclusion in the Classroom Through Formative Assessment

Today’s classrooms are more diverse and complex than ever. As faculty, you know you need to prepare a diverse student population – with varying perspectives and backgrounds. But how do you know if you’re making learning inclusive for all? In what ways can you get feedback from your students to ensure that your instruction resonates […]

Teaching Oral History as a Response to Collective Trauma

Every student in higher education is suffering from the impacts of COVID-19, and for many this communal trauma is compounded by the fight for racial justice. No one will emerge from these experiences unaffected. While the classroom often remains one of the only constants for students facing upheaval from global, national, and regional crises, problems […]