As the higher education landscape evolves, so too will its body of academic administrators. The administrative structure of most institutions has grown in complexity, resulting in more potential options for those interested in academic leadership to consider. However, despite this reality, many faculty continue to view administration as “the dark side” or are unsure of […]
It’s an unfortunate fact that harmful and biased statements occur in the workplace—and it’s all too common for leaders to respond to these scenarios in ways that shame the individuals who perpetrated that behavior. Yet, while it is important to address these situations swiftly when they occur, it is even more beneficial to repair harm […]
Many leaders strive to create an inclusive environment for their employees, but this can be difficult to achieve without first taking time to understand how our own identity can impact our ability to engage in effective and supportive dialogue with a diverse team. Through this training’s experiential activities and small-group discussion, participants who are leading […]
Before assuming a formal leadership position, gaining key leadership skills can set faculty up for a marked increase in leadership success while avoiding the burden of learning new skills while taking on a new role. Instead, you can proactively prepare for leadership positions while also learning skills and concepts that benefit your current role. This […]
Maximizing philanthropic opportunities is the underlying objective of every advancement shop. A fundamental part of ensuring this objective is achieved comes from broad engagement with major donors—which involves strategic communications and connections from various units and stakeholders on campus. To ensure that communication efforts with major donors are well organized, having information on who is […]
The Covid-19 pandemic laid bare issues with retention, psychological safety, and a sense of belonging that leaders in higher education must face on their own teams. Faculty and staff thrive on strong teams with a positive, productive culture, and leaders who are empathic and humble create a team culture where it is possible to undo […]
Many institutions are already using proactive advising to help students in danger of failing or dropping out. But are you effectively communicating with both staff and academically at-risk students to maximize your impact? Proactive advising techniques can help you to increase student retention and completion rates through improving interdepartmental communication and creating a better understanding […]
As students, faculty, and staff return to campus life, the impromptu conversations that characterize in-person interactions are naturally more likely to resume. Data shows that the rate of students reporting a sense of disconnection from campus, anxiety, and depression has increased during the pandemic. Students returning to campus will need more support than ever. Front-line […]
A new generation of frontline fundraisers who have different values and needs, combined with a rapidly changing social environment and labor market, are making the task of selecting, developing, and retaining fundraising teams more difficult than ever. Yet we know that our ability to sustainably raise fundraising revenue year after year depends on having skilled […]
When prospect and donor values around diversity, equity, and inclusion do not align with your institutional values, tension can develop in the relationship, leading to difficult conversations that can have a negative impact on frontline fundraising goals. Knowing how to effectively communicate and interact with your prospects and donors can lead to deeper relationships with […]