Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Managing Change as an Inclusive Leader

Inclusive leadership requires that today’s leaders think about and understand change differently. Change is no longer a once-in-a-while ‘initiative’ that needs managing but is instead a constantly occurring process. And not everyone sits on a level playing field along the way: inclusive leaders must develop a greater awareness of their own blind spots and attend […]

Mindful Leadership for Chairs

When separated from its contemplative framework, mindfulness boils down to three core principles that are essential to effective leadership: gaining perspective, making intentional decisions, and setting clear boundaries with others. Department Chairs need all of these skills to be successful in their roles, yet amid today’s chaotic environment, the space and time to develop them […]

Selecting a Vendor to Augment Your Student Success Efforts

As institutions increasingly use data and technology to drive decision-making, it is important to have ways to efficiently collect, store, and parse that data. But with so much information to store and manage, institutions often need good partners and solutions to aid in managing their data. Many institutions have therefore turned to working with outside […]

Optimize Your Success as an External Dean

As an externally appointed dean, you are expected to hit the ground running, making quick and impactful decisions from Day One. Leading through this change can be tricky, as you will often need to navigate conflicting perspectives from the administration and faculty on which direction to go, as you also define your role in shared […]

Engaging in Anti-Racist Conversations in Advancement

In the wake of multiple ongoing pandemics that occurred simultaneously with several high-profile events exacerbating racial tensions in the U.S., many institutions have attempted to commit to better addressing racial injustices. To be successful in this work, professionals across all areas of an institution must be capable of having difficult conversations about race and racism. […]

Retaining Black Men: Strategies for Before, During, and After College

While enrollment and retention have dropped during COVID-19 overall, Black men in particular have faced barriers to college entry and completion that have only been further exacerbated by the pandemic. Enrollment for Black men dropped 14.3% in the spring of 2021 compared to the spring semester of 2020, and retention rates for Black men remain […]

Setting Up Your Institution for a Community Partnership

As institutions intentionally diversify their student body and deal with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it can seem like there are not enough resources to go around. Students from historically marginalized or first-generation backgrounds may feel lost on campus without appropriate resources, and faculty and staff may also find themselves at a loss on […]

Finding Your Authentic Voice: Building Public Speaking Confidence

Communication is a critical skill for leaders. As the challenges facing higher education grow more complex and communication methods more diverse, developing competency and comfort with public speaking is essential. Join us for a virtual training designed to help you improve your public speaking skills. First, you’ll take a self-assessment designed to help you pinpoint […]

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable: Engaging in Dialogue About Race and Bias

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable: Engaging in Dialogue About Race and Bias Gain confidence in entering conversations about race and inequity.  Login On: August 9, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. ET Unable to attend this live training? Stay registered to receive the recording of the training after the live event. JOIN ZOOM MEETING Full Event Information VIEW […]