Virtual reality, augmented reality, and simulations are growing in popularity and being applied very creatively within higher education. Ensure you are clear on the distinctions between these closely related technologies by reviewing this quick comparison.
As a leader it can be challenging to help your people manage change. This easily printable guide will help you identify what stage of the change curve your direct reports are in and steps you can take to better support them.
This job aid lists 5 self-managed roles for small group discussions. Small group discussions are an effective way to encourage more even participation among your participants. To make small group discussion even more impactful, have each group assign roles to their members as people are more likely to be invested in the discussion if they […]
Are your meeting participants clear if they have input or influence when making decisions? To help you ensure everyone understands their role in the decision making process made we’ve compiled this easily-referenced tool with 5 different levels of decision making.
We have all been to meetings where there is uneven participation among attendees. More vocal participants tend to dominate, while others can all but disappear. This is a substantial problem for meeting leaders and facilitators as it results in fewer ideas and perspectives being considered. Group activities can be a productive way to overcome this […]
Yearly or bi-yearly performance reviews are an important component of effective supervision. Performance reviews are your opportunity to check in with your employee, establish professional development goals, convey clear expectations, and learn what you can do to better support your employees moving forward.
As a front-line fundraisers you might experience sexual harassment from donors and volunteers, making it incredibly important to have effective procedures in place for both managers and staff. Click the image below to download this handy guide to help you create or evaluate sexual harassment policies for both managers and team members.
Writing Resource Manual Everyone needs a little help with their writing now and again! Containing everything from frequently confused words to style tips, this manual offers tons of practical guidance for improving your writing. Click the image below to download this excellent resource.