Donor-Centric Stewardship: A Partnership with Annual Giving and Donor Relations

It is no surprise that advancement shops are experiencing increasingly greater external philanthropic competition, which can lead to declining donor interest and investment in your institution over time. Therefore, it is imperative that annual giving staff consider revising or updating their donor acquisition and retention strategies to better serve the changing needs and desires of […]

Feedback as a Faculty (Re)Engagement Strategy 

Both affirmative and constructive one-on-one feedback are critical to faculty talent development.  Feedback that is appropriate for the career level (assistant, associate, professor) provides clarity, direction, goal alignment and motivation, all of which are required to successfully navigate today’s higher education landscape filled with complexity and uncertainty. Feedback, when delivered effectively, can promote creativity, productivity, learning […]

Recognizing and Celebrating Faculty and Staff:  A Panel Conversation

Faculty and staff morale is at an all-time low across most institutions in higher education, and this puts your department or unit at risk of increasing levels of burnout, decreased productivity and, ultimately, higher turnover. One way you can start to make a difference is by fostering a work environment where praise, appreciation, and gratitude […]

The 3 Critical Elements to Include in Department Chair Training

Chairs occupy an essential position on our campuses, sitting at the intersection point that connects our faculty to institutional strategy, context, and culture. They also make some of the most impactful decisions that shape the university, overseeing decisions related to hiring, promotion, and curriculum. Yet for most institutions, the support and training available to chairs […]

Actualize Your Purpose, Part 2: Everyday Strategies for Staying Connected to Your Well-Being

Working in higher education now requires navigating remote, hybrid environments and supporting overextended students and colleagues while navigating institutional complexity and resource precarity. To show up for this kind of work, you must intentionally center your well-being to thrive in this ever-changing environment.  In Part 1 of this workshop series, you assessed your well-being, identified […]

Developing a Foundation for Sustained Philanthropic Support: A Certificate Program for Deans and Academic Leaders

Alumni participation has steadily declined across institutions of higher education in the United States for several decades. And increasingly, donors are taking their philanthropic inclinations to organizations where they can give to specific purposes with targeted outcomes. The most successful deans and academic leaders are attuned to this reality and work in concert with their […]

Taking a Formative Assessment Approach to Annual Faculty Evaluations

Whether your faculty are standout rock stars, or they are struggling to perform as expected, the annual evaluation is a valuable opportunity to foster engagement with them. It’s a chance to reflect on how the year has gone, express gratitude for their contributions to the campus community, and provide specific and actionable feedback to help […]

Actualize Your Purpose, Part 1: Connecting Your Well-Being to Your Work

During this 3-hour workshop, you will assess your well-being through the research-based Resilience @ Work framework. Then, you will explore how you can redefine success in ways that support your values and the impact you want to have in the world. You will conclude the workshop by drafting an initial plan for how you can […]

The Art of Faculty Accountability

For many reasons, it can feel challenging to hold faculty accountable for their performance—especially when they’re struggling. The truth is, not holding faculty to expected standards often seeds long-term problems, creates resentment amongst faculty colleagues, and is a disservice to the institution’s students. But how do we do this work in a way that brings […]