The Net Price Calculator: Template or Customize?

By fall 2011, Title IV institutions are required by law to provide a net price calculator (NPC) that will give student applicants opportunity to understand the difference between university sticker price and net price, and to receive an estimate of potential aid eligibility. The US Department of Education has released an NPC template that colleges […]

Communicating Your Institution’s Value

The College Board’s recent Trends reports on college pricing and student aid have painted a not unexpected picture of rising college tuition coinciding with rising demand for student aid. In this financial climate, it becomes all the more critical for colleges and universities to communicate the value of their offerings clearly to financially concerned prospects […]

Differentiating Your Academic Programs

According to a survey of chief financial officers by The Chronicle of Higher Education, the financial crisis that has caused upheavals in other sectors hasn’t prompted radical changes in how most colleges operate (with a few big exceptions). This may be a sign that the full effect of the economic fallout has yet to hit […]

Creating a Culture of Assessment in Higher Education

A report by the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment draws attention to the fact that while 92% of American colleges and universities are now using at least one assessment tool to evaluate academic programs, most colleges are having difficulty integrating the results into a system of continuing improvement. It’s clear that often the roadblock to […]