Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

How You Approach the Last Day of Class is More Important Now Than Ever

We’ve never had a term quite like this, and how we close our classes this semester matters. For some students, their classes may have been their most consistent and stable community during this time of rapid change and abrupt isolation. This article offers tips and techniques for approaching the last day of class in ways […]

5 Leadership Lessons Hidden in the Coronavirus Crisis

Especially for those who are deliberate planners by nature, the rapid velocity and pressure of the current crisis can be turbulent. In this article, the president of the Hollins University offers higher-ed leaders the perspective of five leadership lessons or gifts that we can (re)learn in the midst of this chaotic moment. by Mary Hinton, […]

Creating a Safe Space in Your Class During a Crisis

You’re in class (online). Your students are in class. And all of your minds are on COVID-19, quarantine, and making ends meet. How can we as instructors step back, break down the sense of isolation and hopelessness, and use the sharing of our experiences of crisis to create a safe space for students to grow […]

Student Success and Retention in the Time of Coronavirus

We know many of our faculty have had a big transition to make, as institutions have moved courses online rapidly in response to COVID-19—but it’s a huge transition for many of our students, too, especially those who have never taken an online course or who have limited access to the Internet now that campus is […]

Call for Book Chapters: Thriving as Women in Leadership in Higher Ed

SUBMISSIONS HAVE NOW CLOSED. This is a call for submissions for brief chapters for inclusion in a new book on practical strategies for thriving as women in leadership in higher education. THRIVING AS WOMEN IN HIGHER-ED LEADERSHIP | BOOK | CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS Academic Impressions, which designs and hosts the Women’s Leadership Success in Higher […]

New Faculty: Making the Transition from Graduate School to a Primarily Undergraduate Institution

The vast majority of new college and university faculty members receive very little training for their jobs, and often very little training once they have their jobs. How can we support their transition from graduate school to a primarily undergraduate institution (PUI)? Every year thousands of higher-education faculty members begin a job for which they […]

The Chief of Staff and the Presidential Transition

In this series, we’ve talked about how the chief of staff can operate as an effective liaison, what qualities presidents desire in the chief of staff, and where new chiefs of staff could look for resources. Now, in our seventh article, we want to ask: How does the chief of staff’s role change during a […]

When the Chief of Staff Needs to Handle a Crisis

In this series, we’ve talked about how the chief of staff can operate as an effective liaison, what qualities presidents desire in the chief of staff, and where new chiefs of staff could look for resources. Now, in our sixth article, we want to ask: What are key skills that chiefs of staff need to […]

Tackling the Challenge (and the Stigma) of Student Food Insecurity

In 12 years, the number of food pantries on college campuses has grown from 1 to 700. However, due to the cultural stigma of facing hunger, the existence of a food pantry, by itself, does not solve the issue of student food insecurity. In early 2019, the Hope Center reported that up to 45% of […]