A Proactive Model for Managing Off-Campus Parties

Colorado State University has recently expanded its two-month pilot party registration program into an all-year initiative. Adopting a markedly different approach from initiatives at many other institutions and from CSU’s own prior efforts (such as a “party partners” program that offered students who received noise citations for off-campus parties the choice of proceeding through the […]

Transportation Demand Management (TDM) as an Opportunity to Improve Town-Gown Relations

LEARN MORE Discover more of Spense Havlick’s thinking on TDM in his book Mitigating the Campus Parking Problem. Issues of parking and traffic congestion in neighborhoods near campus have long been a sore spot between campus officials and the surrounding community. Yet, for this same reason, an investment in information-sharing and collaborative planning to address […]

Keeping Your Division’s Strategic Priorities Current

Picture this scenario. Your institution undertook a lengthy and arduous strategic planning effort, to which your division responded with an operational plan, identifying a list of core initiatives intended to help meet the institution’s strategic goals. It is now two years later. Your division’s operational plan or action plan sits on a shelf (whether physical […]

Supporting Faculty Use of Social Media and Cloud-Based Technologies in the Classroom

Recently, we offered examples of how some faculty have successfully leveraged social media technologies to help them address specific challenges in teaching and learning –- you can find these examples in our article “In and Out of the Classroom: Using Social Media in Ways that Matter.” This week, we’d like to provide you with practical […]

Vetting Early Alert Technologies

As more colleges and universities look to improve the success of those students who are most academically “at risk,” a host of software technologies to assist in early alert have proliferated on the market. Investment in such a third-party technology can be significant; yet many institutions purchase these tools quickly without the up-front decisions needed […]

Social Media: From Tactics to Strategy

Diagnostic: January 2012 Read this full report (PDF). In This Issue Social Media: Not a Brave New World Social Media and Student Recruitment In and Out of the Classroom: Using Social Media in Ways that Matter Social Media and Alumni/Donor Engagement Providing Central Guidelines and Support for Social Media A Letter from Amit Mrig, President, Academic […]

In and Out of the Classroom: Using Social Media in Ways that Matter

Because so many students use social media tools – and because so many faculty use the same tools in their personal or professional lives – it can be tempting to bring social media into the classroom almost by default, on the assumption either that social media technologies are needed to engage students or that they […]

Social Media: Not a Brave New World

Although most postsecondary institutions now leverage social media channels to some extent for marketing and communications, alumni engagement, and teaching and learning, many of these efforts remain ad hoc and largely unintegrated with key strategic efforts within each division. An April 2011 survey of professionals at research institutions conducted by Slover Linett Strategies Inc. and […]

Providing Central Guidelines and Support for Social Media

It’s crucial that social media communications across your institution support your institution’s brand and mission. Aligning multiple channels (both social and traditional) to tell the same story about your institution in varied voices is powerful; multiple and uncoordinated channels telling different stories about your institution is problematic. It’s also a missed opportunity. Yet studies over […]

Social Media and Alumni/Donor Engagement

CASE STUDY: COMMENCEMENT “Spring 2011. We wanted to find ways to increase engagement around commencement. We have a thriving community of students and alumni on Facebook, but rather than jamming that channel with content, we asked one simple question about memorable professors. 200 responses came back sharing memories. We asked one question, started a conversation, […]