Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Identifying the Key Characteristics of True Philanthropists

No matter what the size or budget of the advancement operation, there always seems to be more prospects than we have the time or resources to pursue. That’s why it’s important to focus whatever resources we have on our most promising prospects.  The more time we spend with the truly philanthropic, the more our efforts […]

Scripting for Acquisition Calls

A SERIES ON DONOR ACQUISITION FROM JESSICA NENO CLOUDThis is the third in a series on donor acquisition by Jessica Neno Cloud, CFRE, the author of Successful Fundraising Calls: A Phonathon Scripting Workshop. Cloud is the assistant director for fundraising initiatives and planned giving at the University of Southern Mississippi Foundation. She practices evidence-based fundraising with a […]

Strategies for Managing Your Enrollment Funnel

by Stefanie Niles (Hollins University), Jeff Papa (SimpsonScarborough), and Patrick Cain (Academic Impressions) Enrollment management in higher ed has never been more complex. For many colleges and universities, technology has allowed for an exponential growth in student applications. This has redefined enrollment funnels and has made recruitment more challenging for modern enrollment professionals. Both Stefanie […]

Advancement/Academic Partnerships: Using a Team Science Model to Fund Research

A SERIES ON INNOVATIONS IN FUNDING ACADEMIC RESEARCH Ed Mason, president of EMNR & Associates, is writing this series to assist academic leaders in finding creative strategies to merge public/private funding for existing and new research initiatives. Mason has studied an array of collaborative partnerships between the two offices most focused on external funding (the development office […]

Soft Skills for Managing Capital Projects: Leadership

A CONTINUING SERIES ON PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS IN HIGHER ED by Mark Hartell, Capital Projects Consultant In the opening article of this series, I argued that project management soft skills are critical to the success of capital projects. We don’t build classrooms, libraries, labs and data centers for themselves; we build them for the […]

Effective Task Forces Follow Through on Recommendations

<- back to the main page of this report THIS IS ONE CHAPTER IN A FULL REPORT ON TASK FORCES IN HIGHER ED Academic Impressions has conducted a survey of 300 higher-ed professionals, and what we learned about task forces and committees in higher education was both revealing and powerful: On July 9, we shared […]

Successful Task Forces Deal Effectively with Underperforming Members

<- back to the main page of this report THIS IS ONE CHAPTER IN A FULL REPORT ON TASK FORCES IN HIGHER ED Academic Impressions has conducted a survey of 300 higher-ed professionals, and what we learned about task forces and committees in higher education was both revealing and powerful: On July 9, we shared […]

Effective Task Forces Don’t Let Politics Unduly Influence the Work

<- back to the main page of this report THIS IS ONE CHAPTER IN A FULL REPORT ON TASK FORCES IN HIGHER ED Academic Impressions has conducted a survey of 300 higher-ed professionals, and what we learned about task forces and committees in higher education was both revealing and powerful: On July 9, we shared […]

Effective Task Forces Manage the Process, Not Just the Task

<- back to the main page of this report THIS IS ONE CHAPTER IN A FULL REPORT ON TASK FORCES IN HIGHER ED Academic Impressions has conducted a survey of 300 higher-ed professionals, and what we learned about task forces and committees in higher education was both revealing and powerful: On July 9, we shared […]

Effective Task Forces Put the Right People in the Right Seats

<- back to the main page of this report THIS IS ONE CHAPTER IN A FULL REPORT ON TASK FORCES IN HIGHER ED Academic Impressions has conducted a survey of 300 higher-ed professionals, and what we learned about task forces and committees in higher education was both revealing and powerful: On July 9, we shared […]