How Early Alert and Student Success Initiatives Fail

Spoiler alert: The biggest killer of early alert programs is information flow problems. Here’s a model for approaching that flow differently. When Early Alert Programs Lack a Strong Underlying Framework of Data We look to these research-based best practices and bring program after program to our campuses to address the needs of specific high risk […]

You May Be Excluding Some of Your Most Loyal Donors From Recognition

Over the last decade, many colleges and universities have launched programs intended to encourage annual giving through the recognition of donor loyalty. In every case that I can think of, these societies are recognizing consecutive giving, which makes sense—we want people to give every year. I am a long-time fan of the loyalty society and […]

Giving and Recognition Societies – We Can Do Better!

I frequently say to my friends in donor relations that I would like to find the person who invented giving societies and give them a swift punch or two. I am of the opinion that great donor recognition does not hinge on giving societies. I am also of the probably unpopular opinion that most donors […]

Is Your Professional Development Ad Hoc or Planned?

A 2014 Academic Impressions survey of over 500 higher-ed professionals found that higher education institutions are divided roughly in half in terms of whether professional development is planned and proactive, or ad hoc and reactive. This gave us pause for thought — and it should give you pause, too. Rethinking Professional Development as a Critical Asset […]

The Skills Higher-Ed Leaders Need to Succeed

2017 Update: Following up on this research, we have published our findings and our best current thinking in the paper “The Skills Future Higher-Ed Leaders Need to Succeed.” In Denver, CO this March, Academic Impressions convened a select group of forty academic and administrative leaders from diverse colleges and universities to address the question: What are […]

Book Preview: Writing Meaningful Contact Reports – A Handbook for Fundraisers

by Erin Swietlik, Academic Impressions Contact reports are arguably the most overlooked component of the fundraising process. Advancement leaders at our conferences regularly say that their best fundraisers rarely take the time or care to properly record interactions with donors. These advancement leaders understand that contact reports are a crucial component of the fundraising process, […]

Title IX: Recent Changes and What They Mean for You

February 2015. The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) recently released three documents to provide guidance for the Title IX Coordinator role at colleges and universities: One that clarifies the Title IX Coordinator role One that outlines Title IX Coordinator responsibilities A 30-page Title IX resource guide To help your institution understand the crux of these […]

How Faculty Can More Effectively Support Adult Doctoral Students

Have you ever opened your email inbox the day after an assignment is due and received an email with the subject line entitled “request for extension of time”? My first thought is “Here we go,” but then I immediately switch my thought process to: “Be objective; my students are adults completing their doctoral degree.” I […]

Advising: 3 Ways to Effectively Assist Students during High Traffic Periods

This article is an excerpt from Sue Ohrablo’s acclaimed book High-Impact Advising: A Guide for Academic Advisors, which you can find here. This week marks the end of yet another hectic week filled with long days, endless phone calls, appointments, emails, and walk-ins. There are times when I get frustrated that I have to answer yet […]

The Library of the 21st Century

Here are four key tenets of 21st century academic library design – and a checklist of key areas to consider under each. This past month in Philadelphia, nearly 60 library administrators, academic leaders, and facilities personnel gathered to discuss trends characterizing modern library spaces. These participants in our 2 ½ day Academic Library Planning and […]