Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Discovering and Acting on Your Students’ Post-Pandemic Online Preferences

We oversee an undergraduate program consisting of approximately 2700 students in a typical college of business at a large, public land-grant institution. Being a business school, we constantly look for ways to adapt to the changing environment and to find opportunities to make our operations more efficient and effective. Applying these basic business principles to […]

Adopting a Peer Supervision Model to Enhance Student Support

Christie Maier, M.Ed., Associate Director, Transformative LearningUniversity of Kentucky Doing more with less It’s a message many in higher education have received before: “do more, with less.” Whether it’s a need to expand services with no additional funding or an impending budget cut, student support units often must be creative with their program models to […]

How Rush University Established a Mentoring Program for Women Faculty that Can Serve as a Model for Other Universities

Susan Chubinskaya, PhDVice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Klaus Kuettner Professor for Osteoarthritis Research, Professor in the Departments of Pediatrics, Orthopedic Surgery, and Internal Medicine at Rush University Amarjit S. Virdi, PhDDirector of the Office of Rush Mentoring Programs, Associate Professor in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology at Rush University The Challenge As a […]

Do not waste your faculty’s time: How deans can help transform end-of-semester feedback into lasting, meaningful action

“Will my students read these suggestions?” “Will they learn from and apply my feedback?” When I was a faculty member, the above questions nagged me and other colleagues as we spent hours grading final papers and projects. I carefully crafted feedback to identify strengths and offer suggestions, even linking to course readings and resources. I […]

Onboarding Isn’t what it Used to Be: Lessons from a Hiring Manager and New Staff Member at the University of California, San Diego

Michael Bumbry, Ph.D., Senior Director of Alumni Outreach and Engagement, UC San DiegoJennie Van Meter, Senior Director of Alumni Engagement Strategy, UC San Diego Like many industries, higher education too has had to reimagine work in light of the global pandemic. Our decisions will have a lasting impact on the way business is conducted. At […]

How One Institution Launched a DEI Plan Without a DEI Office

Co-Written by:Kinsley McNulty, Program Coordinator of Student Life, New York Institute of TechnologyDiandra Macias, Program Coordinator of Student Life, New York Institute of TechnologySamantha Mon, Assistant Director of Career Services, New York Institute of TechnologyPaul Ferrante, Assistant Director of Student Life, New York Institute of Technology This past year, the global pandemic and the Black […]

Ghostwriting for the President: 3 Techniques to Capture Their Voice

“Let us never underestimate the power of a well-written letter.”– Jane Austen, Persuasion A decade ago, when I was getting started in the legal department at Missouri State University, one of our campuses became embroiled in a turf dispute with another educational institution. Stakeholders from both institutions met to explore collaborative options. The stakeholder meeting […]

Professional Development as a tool for Succession Planning: The story of Colorado School of Mines Foundation

Also Contributing Editors:Rusty Brunner, Human Resources Manager, Colorado School of Mines Foundation Succession planning and robust professional development programs are not often associated with advancement shops in higher education. Some feel that with the high employee turnover rate in advancement, they cannot justify the financial investment. However, an alternative perspective is that professional development leads […]

What Becoming a Parent Taught Me About Assuming Leadership in a Time of Crisis

By Kayleigh MacPhersonExecutive Director, Scholarships and Student SupportUCLA Development Assuming leadership in a time of transition and tumult – parenting lessons that helped our team thrive during the pandemic. Returning to work from one’s first multi-month parental leave is challenging no matter the specific circumstances. Whether it is a crisis of identity, scheduling, responsibilities, time, […]

Keys to Cultivating Emotional Intelligence as a Department Chair Part One: Awareness and Emotional Intelligence

Academia’s leadership challenge is that almost none of us have been trained to manage people, much less other academics; almost none of us have significant, sustained leadership development opportunities; most academic chairs are happy to step back into faculty roles. Emotional Intelligence can help us be more effective and resilient, as leaders and as members […]