Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

How Lynn University Uses Block Scheduling to Provide Flexibility for Students

By Katrina Carter-TellisonVice President for Academic Affairs, Lynn University At Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida, the pandemic caused us to challenge long-held assumptions and reimagine everything from classroom schedules and course delivery methods to campus tours. As an independent institution with approximately 3,400 students from more than 100 counties, it was important to increase […]

Addressing a Changing Landscape in Higher Education Due to COVID-19: Lessons From One Institution for Academic Leaders

ByAnand R. Marri, Dean and Professor, Teachers College, Ball State University Paaige K. Turner, Dean and Professor, College of Communication, Information, and Media, Ball State University Susana Rivera-Mills, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Ball State University While the COVID-19 pandemic has presented numerous challenges for higher education institutions across the world, it […]

It’s Not Really the Dark Side: 5 Tips for Faculty Interested in Administration

By Manya C. Whitaker, PhDAssociate Professor & Chair of Education, Crown Faculty Center Director, Colorado College When I started graduate school in 2006, I had no interest in becoming a professor or joining academe. I wanted to work at a think tank researching youth development to inform public policy. But in my third year of […]

Minors Matter: How Interdisciplinary Solutions Benefit Institutions and Students

By Hilary L. Link, PhDPresident of Allegheny College Between the end of the 19th century and the first part of the 20th, higher education in this country became more and more specialized and fragmented due to a number of factors: new research findings, the growth of experimental and scientific methods, the application of science to […]

The Antidote to Pandemic Disillusionment: Shepherding Your Community with Intention and Care

By Mary Dana Hinton, Ph.D.President of Hollins University As part of our opening State of the University address, a tradition on many college campuses, Hollins University faculty and staff had the opportunity to learn together in a variety of small group settings. Besides hearing information about the university and how we are performing, we also […]

Managing Change During COVID-19: Equipping supervisors for change in a time of unending uncertainty

By Amanda Morrow, SHRM-CP, Human Resources Business Partner, Rice Universitywith editing contributions from Melinda English, Rebecca Gould, and Susann Glenn Panic Over one year ago, the isolated whispers of a novel coronavirus grew into a boisterous, full-blown pandemic alarm that reverberated across the globe. As a result, universities and colleges worldwide were suddenly tasked with […]

Why Free College Isn’t Enough

Eileen L. Strempel, UCLA Stephen J. Handel, College Board Eileen Strempel and Stephen Handel are authors of a book released in 2021 titled Beyond Free College: Making Higher Education Work for 21st Century Students. In their book, Eileen and Stephen share a compelling case that post-secondary degree or certificate is essential to participation in our […]

Shining a Light on Diversity & Inclusion Lessons from a small, residential, liberal arts college striving for big change

Jennifer Bonds-RaackeProvost & Vice President of Academic Affairs, St. Norbert College Billy Korinko(Content Expert), Director of Cassandra Voss Center, St. Norbert College Introduction The need to reevaluate our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) work at St. Norbert College came into focus as systemic racism, violence and outrage led to devastated cities, communities, families and […]

Marginality and Mattering: A Framework for Diverse Alumni Engagement

Gia GallimoreM.Ed., Director of Diverse Alumni EngagementWisconsin Alumni Association (WAA)University of Wisconsin, Madison Upon entering the alumni relations profession, like so many, I entered with years of student affairs experience, which provided me an understanding of how to develop meaningful relationships with those who would one day become alumni. Having the opportunity to explore and […]

Retention through Onboarding: How Hiring Managers Can Foster a Sense of Belonging

Sydney AndringaExecutive Assistant to the Vice President of Institutional Advancement, College of Saint Benedict Valerie JonesExecutive Director of Alumnae Relations, College of Saint Benedict Heather Pieper-OlsonAssociate Vice President of Institutional Advancement, College of Saint Benedict Julie ReitmeierExecutive Director of Advancement Systems, College of Saint Benedict In January of 2014, the Institutional Advancement Team at the College of Saint […]