Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

What Story Does the Pell Grant Data Tell?

Series: Changing How We Understand the Market<In this series, we analyze current enrollment and demographics data, uncovering stories that challenge how institutions often understand their marketplace—or that shed new light on emerging trends. We want to encourage a deeper look at the implications of today’s marketplace data. We hope that you will share these stories […]

In Busy Higher Ed, 3 Ways to Foster Our Own Learning

We work at institutions of higher learning, but are we doing enough to foster our own learning? RELATED RESOURCES:10 Tips for Optimizing the Return on Professional DevelopmentScorecard: How Do Higher-Ed Institutions Leverage Professional Development?Full Report: The State of Professional Development in Higher Education (February 2016) by Mickey Fitch, Academic Impressions As professionals within higher education, our […]

Retaining Online Students: 3 Expert Perspectives

In the wake of recent declines in online program enrollment across many institutions, renewed attention to online student success and retention has become especially critical. We wanted to hear the best current thinking on improving online student retention, so we reached out to a panel of three accomplished experts in this area: You can read our […]

How One Institution’s New Approach to Budgeting is Creating a Culture of High Trust

Recently, AI’s program manager Grace Spivak and our director of research and publications Daniel Fusch had the opportunity to interview Steve Kreidler, the vice president of administration and finance at Metropolitan State University of Denver, a public institution enrolling 20,000 undergraduate students. Several years ago, Metro State underwent a transformational strategic planning process and instituted […]

Makerspaces and Academic Incubators: Giving Innovation on Campus a Home

Listening recently to Melissa Kaufman, executive director of The Garage at Northwestern University (which incubated 147 start-ups in its first year), and David G. Broz and Todd Heiser, principals for Gensler, speak about academic incubators at our recent webcast (you can obtain a recording here), I was especially struck by the research showing the hunger for […]

Civility in the Classroom: A Better Approach

More Articles for Faculty:How to Encourage Academic Grit and a Growth Mindset in Your StudentsOne Easy Way Faculty Can Improve Student Success Leading controversial discussions that develop communication skills is an enduring teaching challenge. Often a faculty member’s assumptions about what communication is inform their approach to these classroom activities. I want to contrast two approaches […]

The Trump Effect on International Students: Early Indications & Insights

Much has been written in the last few weeks about the possible negative consequences of the current administration’s policies towards immigration. The travel ban is the latest in a series of actions or statements that include policy changes affecting undocumented immigrants already in the United States and the plans to build a wall on the […]

The 10 Barriers to Innovation in Higher Education

Why is it so difficult to nurture innovation and academic entrepreneurship at a college or university? My keen and longstanding interest in innovation was first fueled by my doctoral dissertation research, conducted in the early 1990s with a focus on small college resiliency. I studied the financial performance and management strategies of 100 small resource […]

Four Stats That Will Impact Higher Ed in 2017

2017 has the potential to be a volatile year in higher education, and that was the case even before Donald Trump took office. Regulatory uncertainty, continued economic and demographic headwinds, and shifts in both domestic and international student enrollment trends are just a few of the rapids that higher-ed leaders will need to navigate. At […]

How One Institution is Engaging Alumni through Strategic Community Service Activities

Networking events, game watches, fundraising activities, and mentoring opportunities all have a place in the engagement strategies portfolio. However, there are a significant number of alumni that want to create deeper bonds through community service work. As community service and civic engagement have become an important part of students’ time on campus, it is also […]