Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Title IX and #MeToo: Next Steps for Title IX Coordinators

What opportunities does the #MeToo movement open up for Title IX coordinators, and how can we seize the moment? An interview with Rabia Khan Harvey, Academic Impressions, recently Title IX coordinator at Columbia College Chicago Daniel Fusch, Academic Impressions. Rabia, thanks for joining me today. I wanted to ask: What does the #MeToo movement mean […]

4 Strategies for Closing the Coaching Gap for Mid-Level Academic Leaders

While executive and administrative leaders have had a longer history of working with coaches, there is growing awareness of the benefit to middle managers in higher education, as well. Mid-level academic leaders are often promoted to leadership positions with limited management experience and without the benefit of training and professional leadership development. Yet mid-level leaders face significant […]

7 Myths that Limit Innovation in Higher Ed

This article continues a series focused on Creating an Innovative Institutional Mindset. The previous articles in this series are: Innovation is all the buzz these days in higher education circles, and it is no wonder.  Many mainstream media observers have noted that higher education is now ground zero for disruption due largely to what they […]

Anticipating the Future: Following the Lead of Community Colleges

The world of work is changing rapidly, creating new pressures and new opportunities for higher education. It’s critical that university leaders act as conveners, assembling representatives of local industry, nonprofits, and community to do the tough work of anticipating the future for their region—both the threats and the opportunities. Some community colleges have been doing […]

What Establishing Alumni X-Teams Can Achieve

We need to reshape a 19th-century alumni office to meet the demands of a 21st-century audience. “Alumni associations were rendered obsolete by Facebook and have since been dying a slow death.” “Why get off my couch on a weeknight to connect with fellow alumni from college, one of a dozen institutions to which I have […]

Reimagining the Academic Library: A Peek Inside Payson Library

Among the more fascinating library revitalization projects we have seen recently, one that stands out is Payson Library at Pepperdine University. As we took a closer look, we realized that much of the thinking that informs the Payson Library renovation is replicable and scalable for other institutions, even institutions with quite small library facilities. To […]

Alumni Affinity Groups: How One University Formed a Highly Successful Organization

by Kathy Edersheim, President of Impactrics How does an alumni affinity group get started and, perhaps more importantly, what makes it sustainable beyond the initial excitement? There are many right answers and many challenges along the way. The key is to develop some guidelines and learn from other institutions’ successes as well as from their […]

How Some Colleges are Building Student Resilience and Grit

Managing the student life cycle requires cross-divisional initiatives and the willingness to innovate. Applying a student success lens to the student life cycle has led institutions to examine the relative roles played by traditional measures of academic achievement (grades, credits completed, major requirements met) and less traditional, non-cognitive indicators such as student grit and resilience. […]

How to Think More Strategically About Alumni Participation

This article is an excerpt from Jim Langley’s book Comprehensive Fundraising Campaigns: A Guide for Presidents and Boards (Academic Impressions, 2016). Over-reliance on marketing academic distinction and under-reliance on building alumni affiliation is one of the reasons that annual alumni giving has been declining for 20 straight years and why, today, fewer than one in 10 […]

5 Fairy Tales People Believe About Mentoring in Higher Ed

Once upon a time, I lived in a magical fairy tale world where higher education professionals, educated and insightful individuals, knew exactly how to navigate a mentor program and the results were nothing less than charming. Then I woke up. Sadly, the real world presents many obstacles to this “happily ever after,” and a belief […]