Millennial Alumni in the Recession: How to Reach Them

2010 census data emphasizes the plight of millennials in their 20s — recent college graduates who are struggling to find work, many of them living with their parents and struggling to launch careers as they find themselves under-employed. Given the recession’s toll on this decade of young alumni, it is especially crucial for annual giving […]

Recruiting Latino Students

In this article, we want to highlight the practices from an interview we conducted in November 2010 with Judi Diaz Bonacquisti, the associate vice president of enrollment services at the Metropolitan State College of Denver (MSCD). In the past few years, a number of institutions in Colorado have been investing in efforts to become Hispanic Serving […]

Crafting a Naming Opportunities Plan

As institutions navigate a prolonged recession, many are launching new fundraising campaigns in response to decreased funding sources — some of them quite ambitious in their scope (most notably, the University of Southern California’s recently announced $6 billion campaign). Even as more institutions look to launch new campaigns, donors are increasingly interested in attaching their names […]

Marketing to Adult Students

Increasingly, academic leaders are becoming aware that the traditional, 18-year-old high school graduate enrolling as a freshman at a four-year institution is a shrinking demographic. According to data from the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES): As colleges and universities strive to enroll more of the growing adult student market, they face significant challenges: at most […]

Fundraising for the Library: Building Shared Purpose

The academic library faces increased demand for services and the increased costs of acquisitions, digitization, and facilities upgrades, even as many institutions are trimming budgets. This has led to a growing awareness that library leaders need to devote more energy to partnering with advancement and academic leaders to raise external funds for the library. Yet […]

Including Social Media in Your Crisis Communications Plan

In a 2009 interview with Academic Impressions, Cindy Lawson discussed some of the risks presented by social media in the event of a crisis, such as the potential for the rapid spread of misinformation. This week, we spoke with Lawson again to learn more about the opportunities social media channels present in the event of […]

Stepping Up Orientation for International Students

With the number of international students studying in the US up nearly 3 percent last year (contributing $20 billion to the US economy) and with Canadian institutions also seeing gains, creating a seamless arrival-and-welcome process that ensures the success and retention of these students is rapidly becoming a key area of investment for many institutions. At […]

Branding Your Community College

August 2011. As more community colleges compete for a limited pool of students — and for the students most likely to complete degrees — a growing number of two-year institutions are looking into branding efforts. However, given the constraints on the marketing budget of a community college, most institutions have faced significant obstacles in launching a new or […]

Moving Your Marketing Office from News Bureau to Strategic Partner

August 2011. Institutional marketing departments are increasingly asked to be all things to all people and are frequently under-resourced and under-staffed. In order to be effective and meet the competing demands of various campus constituents, department heads need to think creatively and strategically about structure, staffing models, and resource allocation. We turned this week to Elizabeth […]

Lessons Learned from Piloting the iPad: Part 2

August 2011. A growing number of colleges and universities have launched pilot projects to test how the iPad might be used to produce a positive impact on student learning and engagement. Pepperdine University has just completed the first two terms of its three-term iPad Research Initiative (consisting of classroom observations, surveys, and focus groups), looking at how students are […]