Local Business and Community Leaders and Your Campaign

Often, institutions miss opportunities to invite the investment of local business and community leaders by not doing enough to invite and cultivate that investment before the campaign even begins. Mark Jones, vice president of external relations at Hollins University, frames the issue in this way: “There are two ways to approach to business and community […]

A Whole-Campus Effort: Why the Campaign Matters to You

You may not be a development officer at your institution; you may be an academic dean, an enrollment manager, a facilities manager, a faculty member … but it is critical that you have a voice and some ownership in the fundraising campaign, if the campaign is to be successful in funding your unit’s efforts in […]

Campus Diversity: Beyond Just Enrollment

At Academic Impressions, we had the opportunity recently to speak with Mary Hinton when she served as the vice president for planning and assessment at Mount Saint Mary College. Hinton advocates adopting a more holistic perspective on campus diversity — specifically, moving beyond a focus on demographics of incoming students. We wanted to learn more […]

Engaging the Board in the Campaign

Too often, board involvement in the campaign is limited to what are essentially tactical assignments — making the ask to their contacts, raising certain quantities. What’s missed in these cases are opportunities to engage the board in what board members do best — big-picture thinking, advocacy, and getting key messages out to the community. Jim Langley, founder and […]

Campaigns: Meaningful Ways to Engage the Board

Too often, board involvement in the campaign is limited to what are essentially tactical assignments — making the ask to their contacts, raising certain quantities. What’s missed in these cases are opportunities to engage the board in what board members do best — big-picture thinking, advocacy, and getting key messages out to the community. Jim Langley, founder and […]

State Authorization and Title IV Compliance: Why You Need to Act

The federal government’s attention to the state authorization rule — requiring colleges and universities delivering online education to obtain authorization in states from which they enroll students — has received a lot of attention over the past couple of years. Yet the level of urgency required from postsecondary institutions and the potential liabilities involved have […]

3 Tips for Re-admitting Stop-Outs

This article offers critical tips gleaned from two of the earliest and successful college stop-out re-enrollment programs – the University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s 49er ReAdmits and 49er Finishers, and Harper College’s Completion Concierge. It is a must-read if you are thinking of starting your first stop-out program. Looking to boost completion rates, more […]

Boosting Retention for Ethnic Minority Students: First-Year Seminar for a Minority Cohort

ALSO READ Boosting Retention for Ethnic Minority Students: Laying the Groundwork Boosting Retention for Ethnic Minority Students: Leveraging Peer Leadership Boosting Retention for Ethnic Minority Students: Faculty Buy-in and Involvement For this fourth article in our series on supporting the academic success of underrepresented minority students, we interviewed Derek Moore, an academic success coach with […]

Getting Buy-in for Addressing Deferred Maintenance

Earlier this month, we surveyed the institutions planning to attend an Academic Impressions webcast on rethinking and prioritizing physical campus improvements. We asked questions about their balance of new capital projects and replacement and renewal, how they were handling issues with limited space capacity, and their level of commitment to addressing the deferred maintenance backlog. […]

Academic Success Coaching: Keys to an Effective Approach

Given voluminous research on the impact of individualized attention on at-risk students’ academic performance and persistence, more institutions are innovating new ways to leverage both peer mentors and professional academic success coaches. To learn more about the second approach (which has not yet been as widely adopted), we reached out to Derek Moore, a key […]