Enrolling and Supporting Women in STEM: Practical Steps to Take

During a tour early this summer of the Colorado School of Mines, I had the opportunity to hear from a number of women enrolled in the geophysics and engineering programs there, and to speak with Stephanie Berry, the former director of CSM’s innovative WISEM (Women in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics) program. WISEM is certainly a program […]

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Team Leaders Make

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with over 100 senior teams and cabinets in higher education. Overall, the experience has been quite positive due to the intelligence, dedication, aspirations, and integrity of those veteran leaders. Unfortunately, about 10% of teams I have worked with just never performed well, despite great effort and […]

Faculty Checklist: Steps to Respond to Classroom Incivility

Finding a balance between protecting free speech and keeping classroom discussions professional is often easier said than done in an election season when anything from climate change to history lessons might quickly become a hot topic. For practical, useful advice on classroom civility, we talked with Barbara Lee, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at […]

10 Tips for Optimizing the Return on Professional Development

To get the most out of your limited professional development (PD) and training budget, consider these 10 tips: SELECTING THE EVENTS AT THE EVENT ON THE WAY HOME ​BACK ON CAMPUS We hope these tips will prove useful at your conferences this year! Learn more about how some institutions are leveraging professional development in our report, The […]

Why Measuring Diversity Matters

This is one of two companion articles that form a dual installment in our “Changing How We Understand the Market” series. The companion article to this one is “How the Simpson’s Index Can Offer Universities a Different Look at Diversity” by Jon Boeckenstedt. In this series, we analyze current enrollment and demographics data, uncovering stories […]

One Big Mistake New Presidents Make

A presidential transition can be a fragile time for any campus; expectations are high and so is the stress level. Almost everyone wants the new president to be successful and create a new beginning for the institution. The transition process can be a minefield of challenges and opportunities, and a new president must navigate both […]

Developing a Metrics-Driven Culture within Student Affairs

Series: Managing the Student Lifecycle This new series convenes expert perspectives on student success and predictive analytics. We hope to empower enrollment managers, student affairs professionals, deans, and faculty to think deeper about their student data, predictors of success, and managing the student lifecycle holistically from recruitment to retention to completion. Earlier in this series:Improving […]

Financial Modeling for New Academic Programs

Also in this series: Is it Time to Launch that New Academic Program? The Art and Science of Answering that Question Feasibility Checklist: The Science of Bringing New Academic Programs to Life Developing a 4-Year Financial Proforma In my previous article, Feasibility Checklist: The Science Behind Bringing New Academic Programs to Life, I discussed the […]

What if an Alum Generated $200,000 for Your Institution, Without Writing a Check?

Most alumni have far greater value to give their alma mater than the checks they write, or what wealth screenings might find. The value comes via the lives they lead, the talents they’ve acquired, the enthusiasm they maintain for their own undergraduate experiences, and their strong inclination to pass along what they know. Their powerful, […]

A Competency-Based Approach to Career Services in Higher Ed

We had the opportunity recently to connect with several innovators in career services whom we met through a recent CAPA conference; one of these was Dr. Audrey Murrell, the associate dean of the College of Business Administration and director of the David Berg Center for Ethics and Leadership at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Business. […]