Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Improving Student Success by Building an Intentional and Collaborative Data Strategy

Improving Student Success by Building an Intentional and Collaborative Data Strategy

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Create a data-informed, institution-wide action plan for holistically improving student success over the next three years.

Take an integrated approach to measuring and evaluating student success at your institution and plan future improvements. Join us for this three-day program and learn how to develop a holistic data strategy to improve student success campus wide. Through a foundation built by compelling and impactful case studies, you will learn how to:

  • Assess your current efforts and measure the impact of your success intervention strategies
  • Integrate best practice research in your student success metrics and interventions
  • Gain confidence and clarity around how you define student success
  • Develop a data project specific to your institution
  • Craft a holistic three-year action plan for improving student success on your campus

This is an opportunity for you and your team to take a critical look at your current campus-wide efforts in regards to student success - What’s working? What’s not? Get answers for your unique institutional context through this personalized and intimate learning environment, enhanced by individualized consulting time with our instructors. We encourage you to bring your own data to this event to make the most out of this time so that you leave with an action plan to accelerate performance in student success institution wide.

A Message from Linda Baer

We’ve brought together three powerful case studies including: Austin Community College, University of Arizona, and St. Cloud State University. While some of the drivers varied, these institutions have all aligned their data and improved student success through a campus-wide approach. We will guide you through planning your own data alignment strategy so that your institution has a clear starting point for defining and improving student success over the long-haul and an action plan to implement a student success agenda.

Post-Conference Workshop: Change Management to Execute Your Plan

Action plans and major change initiatives typically fail at the implementation stage. This workshop shares a research-based approach to change management that will equip participants with the knowledge to successfully implement their data analytics five-year plan.


Attend with Your Team

This program is designed for teams of leaders from across campus to work together to create and refine initiatives that will support their student success campus wide. We highly encourage you to attend with your team that includes leaders in student success, planning officers, and leaders in institutional effectiveness, academics, and institutional research.


Bring your team and save!

Save over 15% when you register three or more colleagues.


Day 1 – Investigating the Landscape of Student Success
12:30 - 6:00 p.m.


Holistic Student Success: Trends, Strategies, and a Call to Action

In this opening session, we will discuss the latest trends in holistic student success strategies. Together we’ll explore the call to improve services and data alignment across the institution to set the stage for the work you’ll be doing throughout the conference.



Developing an Institution-Wide Approach to Define Student Success

What are the key ingredients for building your capacity for analytics to support student success? We will share a set of common processes across three institutions that increased student success. You will learn how they:

  • Reimagined student success across their campuses
  • Planned and mobilized the entire campus into action
  • Expanded their data/analytics capacities
  • Aligned their data to serve the entire campus community with meaningful metrics

All topics will be explored with your institution’s size and scale in mind and there will be opportunities for Q&A.



Assessing Your Institution’s Organizational Capacity for Student Success

You will be introduced to a student success organizational framework and participate in an activity to assess where you are now in terms of your capacity for institution-wide student success to guide the action plan you’ll create.



Networking Reception

This informal reception is your chance to decompress, have some refreshments on us, and expand your network of connections. Our programs are intentionally designed for smaller groups, so this is a great time to catch-up with attendees and speakers whom you may not have connected with yet.

Day 2 – Exploring the Student Success Intervention Environment
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Recap and Review

We will open the second day with an opportunity to share on insights and answer any remaining questions from the day before.



Applying a Framework to Structure Your Efforts: Case Study of St. Cloud State University

This will be a deeper dive into the key planning elements used by St. Cloud State University to move the needle on student success. This case study will contextualize how the tools from this program can support your planning process discussing:

  • Leadership
  • Data and technology
  • Policies and processes
  • People
  • Culture and behaviors



Assessing Your Current State

You will be introduced to a student success organizational framework to assess where you are now in terms of your capacity for institution-wide student success.



How Intervention Programs Are Measured

We’ll take a deeper look into the realities of current intervention strategies. You will review the measures that other institutions have used to monitor their intervention strategies for data-rich impact and effectiveness.



Working Session: Holistic Audit of Your Current Student Success Intervention Programs

Your institution may have intervention strategies to support student success that span several departments and units. It’s important to fully evaluate the impact of these programs with a long-term view in mind. You’ll use this time to develop a supporting document as a tool to monitor interventions through the entire student pathway across enrollment, advising, academic performance, and career readiness in the spirit of a data-informed and research-based approach to inform decision making.  



Building and Sharing Data, Technology, and Infrastructure

Based on examples from University of Arizona, our expert will guide you through this process and offer strategies to build and share data across the institution. We’ll keep in mind considerations for timing, segments, and infrastructure to support data retrieval and delivery.



Working Session: Mapping Data Needs to the Student Lifecycle

We’ll engage in an exercise to explore how student success data can be matched up to strategic opportunities for student support from prospect to graduate.



Preparing for Your Data Project

You will learn the tools available for your data project planning to set you up for a productive working session that follows.



Working Session/Consulting Time: Preparing for Your Data Project

This is your opportunity to focus on the preliminary stages of your data project while receiving small group and individualized consulting from our experts to make sure you are on the right track.


Day 3 – Building Your Strategy and Action Planning
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Recap and Q&A

We will review the key points from the previous day and provide an opportunity to answer questions and discuss reactions to any new material. This time will also be used to divide into our action planning teams.



Process Case Study: St. Cloud University

This will be a deeper dive into the key planning elements used by St. Cloud University to move the needle on student success. Drawing on what you’ve learned over the past two days, this case study will further contextualize how the tools from this program can support your planning process.



Phase 1: Building Your Data Strategy

This session is your opportunity to transform your early thinking over the last few days on student success into a clearly defined approach. With guidance and direction from our instructors, you will start setting initiatives based on specific focus areas and developing a goal statement.



Phase 2: Creating a 3-year Action Plan for Optimizing Performance in Student Success

This session will provide you a detailed action-planning framework to align with your strategy and goals.  You will review your project ideas, select your highest priority projects, and complete an action planning template in order to determine leadership and team members, results, and measurement—along with action steps and timeline.



Final Presentations and Implementing Your Plan

We’ll use this time to share your action plan with the group to get reactions, feedback, and guidance from your peers and the instructors. This will also be an opportunity to begin discussing potential challenges to implementing your plan.


Post-Conference Workshop: Change Management to Execute Your Plan
12:00  - 4:00 p.m.


Action plans and major change initiatives typically fail at the implementation stage. This workshop shares a research-based approach to change management that will equip participants with the knowledge to successfully implement their data analytics three-year plan. Through presentations and group work, you will understand how to:

  • Create a sense of urgency for student success initiatives and mobilize support
  • Build a guiding coalition for student success initiatives
  • Craft a change management plan to complement your action plan (actual work product)
  • Identify and overcome barriers and neutralize un-planners
  • Elevate student success to an institution-wide strategic initiative



Linda Baer


Linda consults with universities and colleges looking to move the needle on student success. Her focus is to inspire leaders to innovate, integrate and implement solutions to improve student success and transform institutions for the future. Baer publishes and presents nationally in academic innovations, educational transformation, next generation leadership, alliances and partnerships, the campus of the future, shared leadership, and building organizational capacity in analytics. She has co-presented workshops and presentations on analytics in higher education.

Read Linda's full bio here.


Dr. Angela Baldasare

Principal Strategic Consultant, Civitas Learning

Dr. Baldasare is an experienced researcher, analyst, and consultant with a demonstrated history of success in data strategy and change management, helping organizations of all kinds effectively use data to inform strategy and achieve measurable outcomes. Angela previously served as the assistant provost for institutional research at University of Arizona, leading the university’s student data strategy, achieving record high retention rates for the institution.

Read Angela's full bio here.


Lisa Helmin Foss

Vice President for Planning and Engagement, St. Cloud State University

Lisa is an ACE fellow, researcher and practitioner for implementing data analytics in higher education to improve student success. She played a key role in building St. Cloud State’s comprehensive data strategy and she presents frequently at the locally, nationally and internationally on change management and data analytics in higher education.

Read Lisa's full bio here.

Questions About the Event?


Jess Landis
Program Manager, Academic Impressions

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*All-inclusive members get this conference FREE. Academic Affairs, Advancement/Alumni Relations, Business Office, Enrollment Management, Student Affairs, and Leadership members will continue to receive $100 off conference registrations. Upgrade your membership to qualify for a higher discount. Please note this discount is not applicable on conference binders or success coaching.