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Best Practices for Supporting First-Year Faculty: Lessons Learned During COVID-19

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Best Practices for Supporting First-Year Faculty: Lessons Learned During COVID-19

Gain ideas for how to better support your first-year faculty in the current environment.


Effectively onboarding and supporting first-year faculty — both tenure-track and non-tenure-track — is challenging to get right even under the best of circumstances, and the events of 2020 have made this even more difficult. Between moving orientation programs online, reworking faculty mentorship programs, building community and connection to the university virtually, and helping new faculty manage stress and burnout during the pandemic, academic leaders have accomplished no small feat.

Join us for this webcast recording to reflect on what you got right, what lessons you learned, and what takeaways you’ll carry forward into the next semester when it comes to supporting your first-year faculty.

Through a facilitated dialogue with Andrea Romero, Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs at the University for Arizona, and Gary Meyer, Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs at Marquette University, you will have the opportunity to gain ideas from other institutions across higher education as to how you might support your first-year faculty more effectively in the new year.

Who should attend?

This webcast has been designed for faculty affairs leaders, associate/assistant deans, department chairs, program directors, and other academic administrators who may be involved in onboarding and supporting first-year faculty.