Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Presidential Transition: 3 Things Chief Advancement Officers Can Do to Help the New President Start Right

A presidential transition can be a challenging time, and those critical first conversations will set the tone for the partnership ahead. by Sasha Egorova, Academic ImpressionsInterviewing Jake Heuser, Bradley University Welcoming a new president can be an unnerving event for the whole campus. It can particularly be a challenging time for the vice president of advancement […]

Adjunct Faculty: A Department Chair’s Guide to Orienting New Instructors

Department chairs are busy people, and hiring and onboarding adjunct faculty is just one of many tasks on their plate (sometimes right before the start of a new semester). To make it easier, here is a checklist of essential information that chairs should share with new adjunct faculty when hiring them, including course syllabi, textbooks, […]

How to Become One of the Best Colleges for Veterans and Military Students

by Susan West Engelkemeyer, President, Nichols College While the number of recent high school graduates is shrinking, the pool of military veterans eligible for federal education funds continues to deepen. Certainly the presence of these students does their alma maters proud, but there is much more to being military friendly than thanking them for their […]

How Bay Path Boosted STEM Success for Underrepresented Women

Establishing a Center of Excellence for Women in STEM has improved academic success, engagement, and retention of underrepresented, low-income, and first-generation undergraduate women in Bay Path University’s STEM majors. Here’s what Bay Path did, and some lessons learned that may be key if you would like to undertake a similar initiative. by Gina Semprebon, PhD, […]

Challenging Androcentrism in the Academy: Why We Need to Value Empathy More

Empathy and compassion are critical for high-performing academic leaders, but institutions often undervalue these leadership competencies due to implicit gender bias. Let’s look at how to counter that tendency. This is the second in a series of articles on challenging androcentrism in higher education. by Rosalind Spigel, Organizational Development Consultant and Leadership Coach, Spigel Consulting  In […]

Challenging Androcentrism and Implicit Bias in the Academy

Higher education is still “a man’s world,” though it doesn’t have to be. But equipping women with tips and tools for getting ahead isn’t enough to level the playing field; deep change requires a shift in organizational culture. This is the first in a series of articles looking at how college and universities can navigate […]

Social Strategy: How ATSU Bridged Departmental Divides to Build a Unified Social Media Presence

ATSU’s approach to unifying its social strategy across departmental divides has yielded an 879% increase in organic reach on Facebook. by Anne Ackroyd, Public Relations Specialist, A.T. Still University Over the past year, while most public pages have seen a significant decrease in organic reach on Facebook, A.T. Still University (ATSU) has seen an 879% […]

Recruiting the Right Major Gift Officers

Before you hire your next major gift officer, clarify what the team really needs in the newest MGO, identify the skills you need to ask for, and deepen your candidate pool by searching for non-traditional candidates who have the right combination of skills and personality traits to succeed. Here’s how. The retention and recruitment of major […]

How to Negotiate Your Salary in Higher Ed

by Elizabeth Suárez, author of The Art of Getting Everything: How to Negotiate for What You Want and More What Holds Us Back from Negotiating As a negotiation coach who has worked with clients across a variety of higher education institutions, I have often seen a level of hesitation by some clients to negotiate a job […]

How Marietta College Integrated Entrepreneurial Thinking Throughout the Curriculum

To prepare students to think in entrepreneurial ways,we need to become entrepreneurial thinkers ourselves.by Janet Bland, Marietta College Today’s rapid pace of change and growing demand for entrepreneurial thinking can be both inspiring and frustrating to those of us in higher education; after all, we value the measured path to tenure, wear regalia designed in […]