Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

What Do We Mean By a Trauma-Informed Title IX Investigation?

What does a trauma-informed Title IX investigation look like? How do you investigate cases of alleged sexual misconduct on your campus in ways that are sensitive to the fact that the student issuing the complaint may be experiencing trauma? The following is an excerpt from the Academic Impressions recorded webcast “Conducting Trauma-Informed Investigations for Sexual Misconduct […]

5 Steps to Boost Your Alumni Volunteer Engagement

The University at Buffalo’s alumni volunteer teams have seen a big increase in participation and engagement. Here’s what they’re doing differently. When Clayton Connor looks at his volunteer management calendar he channels his inner Hollywood mogul. “We always liken it to a movie studio that comes out with a big blockbuster every three or four […]

Checklist: Preparing Adjunct Faculty to Teach Online

Department chairs and program directors are busy people, and orienting adjunct faculty may not be top of mind. But adjuncts who are teaching online for the first time need support and information to hit the ground running. Here is a quick checklist of items to cover with first-time online instructors. by Teresa Focarile, Boise State University(who […]

Challenging Androcentrism in the Academy: Creating Environments that Empower Risk Taking and Confidence in Women Leaders

In a culture of androcentrism, women are likely to be stymied by a reluctance to take risks. Moreover, women who have a well-developed sense of confidence often present it differently from men. How do we shift the culture within our institutions? by Rosalind Spigel, Organizational Development Consultant and Leadership Coach, Spigel Consulting  In this fifth article […]

How Strategic Planning Can Bridge the Divide Between Athletics and Academics

Every college and university that sponsors intercollegiate athletics, at any level, must come to grips with how that division fits into the overall mission of the institution. And, at the same time, athletics must work to integrate itself into the university’s culture. One way to achieve that is to embark on a highly collaborative strategic […]

Managing the Donor and Alumni Database: The 3 Biggest Challenges

Managing the donor database and tracking your alumni data is complex. Here is a quick look at the three most common challenges with alumni data–and what is keeping our advancement operations from doing better. Recently I spoke with two dozen advancement services professionals to get a more defined sense of what is most challenging in […]

Share This Advice with Your First Generation College Students

The first generation college student often feels alone in navigating the processes and procedures of higher education. Here is some advice from staff at Academic Impressions who were first generation themselves. Share this with the students on your campus! by the Staff at Academic Impressions “My interest in higher education is a deeply personal one,” […]

College Student Mental Health Statistics and What They Really Mean

There has been a lot of media attention to college student mental health statistics and to the upsurge in demand for mental health services. But does the data really suggest a mental health “crisis”? What does the upsurge actually mean for postsecondary institutions? Where do we need to shift the conversation, and what do we […]

What is the Blockchain and How Can It Transform Higher Education?

What is blockchain? As academic leaders, you want to stay on top of what’s coming next. And the blockchain could transform how colleges and universities operate in 5 critical ways. What is the Blockchain? The blockchain has been described as the new internet, the next generation of data and information. As a digital ledger that […]

Research Grants: Which Colleges are Getting Them?

Research grants are increasingly competitive, and our analysis shows that just the top 50 colleges and universities account for nearly two thirds of research expenditures in the U.S. by Sasha Egorova, Research Analyst, Academic Impressions A Disparity in Research Grants More higher ed institutions, including predominantly teaching universities, are facing a push to increase their […]